Spectra and Motion
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Martin Quack
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Special issue editorial
PC I Thermodynamics
PC II Kinetics
PC Advanced Kinetics
Seminars (PC, Laser, C4)
Contact Studies in
Interdisciplinary Sciences
Latsis Symposium
Meeting of Martin's 60th
List of Publications
1974 1975 1976
1977 1978 1979
1980 1981 1982
1985 1986
1987 1988 1989
1990 1991 1992
1993 1994 1995
1996 1997 1998
2000 2001
2002 2003
Resonance fluorescence of aniline vapour
M. Quack and M. Stockburger, J. Mol.
Spectroscopy 43, 87-116 (1972),
a) Fluoreszenzspektroskopische Untersuchung des Anilins in der Gasphase
M. Quack, Diplomarbeit, Göttingen 1971 (unveröffentlicht)
Specific rate constants of unimolecular processes
M. Quack and J. Troe, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys.Chem. 78, 240-252 (1974),
a) Berechnung von Geschwindigkeitskonstanten einfacher
Bindungsbruchreaktionen aus spektroskopischen Daten
M. Quack und J. Troe, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys.Chem. 77, 1020-1021 (1973)

Complex formation in reactive and inelastic scattering
M. Quack and J. Troe, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 79, 170-183 (1975),
a) Statistische Berechnung von Reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten
M. Quack and J. Troe, Verh. Schweiz. Naturforsch. Ges. 154, 107
Product state distributions after dissociation
M. Quack and J. Troe, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 79, 469-475 (1975),
Statistische Theorie Chemischer Elementarreaktionen
M. Quack, Dissertation, Lausanne (in extenso veröffentlicht als Thèse no.203
durch die ETH Lausanne, 1975)
spectroscopic determination of the methyl radical recombination rate
constant in shock waves
K. Glänzer, M. Quack and J. Troe, Chem. Phys. Lett. 39, 304-309 (1976),
Information, memory and statistical theories of elementary chemical
M. Quack and J. Troe, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 80, 1140-1149 (1976),
Vibrational relaxation of diatomic molecules in complex forming collisions
with reactive atoms
M. Quack and J. Troe, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 81, 160-162 (1977),
Maximum free energy criterion for the high pressure limit of dissociation
M. Quack and J. Troe, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 81, 329-337 (1977),
Unimolecular reactions and energy transfer of highly excited molecules
M. Quack and J. Troe, in Gas Kinetics and Energy Transfer 2,
(eds. P.G. Ashmore and R.J. Donovan), The Chemical Society London (1977),
High temperature UV absorption and recombination of methyl radicals in shock
K. Glänzer, M. Quack, and J. Troe, 16th Symposium (International) on
Combustion p.949-960, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh 1977,
Detailed symmetry selection rules for reactive collisions
M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 34, 477-504 (1977),
Theory of unimolecular reactions induced by monochromatic infrared radiation
M. Quack, J. Chem.
Phys. 69, 1282-1307 (1978),
Zur Strahlungstheorie chemischer Reaktionen
M. Quack, Habilitationsschrift, Göttingen (1978, teilw. veröffentlicht in 13
und 19)
influence of intensity and laser energy fluence in unimolecular reactions
induced by monochromatic infrared radiation (URIMIR)
M. Quack, in Laser Induced Processes in Molecules, Springer Series in Chem.
Phys. 6, 142-144 (eds. K. Kompa and S.D. Smith), Springer Berlin (1979),
Quantitative comparison between detailed (state selected) relative rate data
and averaged (thermal) absolute rate data for complex forming reactions
M. Quack, J. Phys. Chem. 83, 150-158 (1979),
the determination of rate constants from the dependence of product yields
upon laser energy fluence in unimolecular reactions induced by monochromatic
infrared radiation
M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 70, 1069-1071 (1979),
Nonlinear intensity dependence of the rate coefficient in unimolecular
reactions induced by monochromatic infrared radiation
M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 65, 140-145 (1979),
Master equations for photochemistry with intense infrared light
M. Quack, Ber.Bunsenges. Phys.Chem. 83, 757-775 (1979),
a) Theorie der Gasphasenphotochemie mit kohärenter, monochromatischer
Infrarotstrahlung hoher Intensität (Vortragszusammenfassung)
M. Quack, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 82, 1252-1253 (1978)
Discussion remark on the determination of the rate coefficient for the
URIMIR of Hexafluoroacetone
K. Luther and M. Quack, Faraday Disc. Chem. Soc. 67, 229-230 (1979),
Master equations for photochemistry with intense infrared light (III). The
influence of molecular parameters in URIMIR
M. Quack, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 83, 1287-1293 (1979),
dependence of rate coefficients and product yields upon fluence, intensity
and time in unimolecular reactions induced by monochromatic infrared
M. Quack, P. Humbert, and H. van den Bergh, J. Chem. Phys. 73, 247-255 (1980),
Statistical models for product energy distributions in bimolecular reactions
with metastable intermediates
M. Quack, Chem. Phys. 51, 353-367 (1980),
Spectral bandshape and intensity of the C-H chromophore in the infrared
spectra of CF3H and C4F9H
H.R. Dübal and M. Quack, Chem.
Phys. Lett. 72, 342-347 (1980),
Photochemie mit Infrarotstrahlung
M. Quack, in "30 Jahre Fonds der chemischen Industrie" (Festschrift
S.97-106, Hrsg. Verband der chemischen Industrie, Frankfurt 1980
Statistical methods in scattering
M. Quack and J. Troe, in "Theoretical chemistry: Advances and perspectives"
(Theory of scattering, papers in honor of Henry Eyring), Vol.6B,
199-276, D.Henderson ed., Academic Press,
Master equations for photochemistry with intense infrared light (IV)
A unified treatment of case B and case C including nonlinear effects
M. Quack, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 85, 318-330 (1981),
Statistical mechanics and dynamics of molecular fragmentation
M. Quack, Il Nuovo Cimento, 63 B, 358-377 (1981),
High resolution IR-spectrum of fluoroform: A close resonance
H.R. Dübal and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 80, 439-444 (1981),
Current aspects of unimolecular reactions
M.Quack and J. Troe, Internat. Reviews in Physical Chemistry 1, 97-147 (1981),
Discussion contributions on high resolution spectroscopy
a) M. Quack, Faraday Disc. Chem.Soc. 71, 359-364 (1981) (on
local and global vibrational states)
b) M. Quack, Faraday Disc. Chem.Soc. 71, 309-311 (1981) (on
flexible transition states)
c) M. Quack, Faraday Disc. Chem.Soc. 71, 325-326 (1981),
band intensities and IR photochemistry of C2F4S2
M. Quack and G. Seyfang, Chem. Phys. Lett. 84, 541-546 (1981),
Photochemistry with infrared radiation
M. Quack, Chimia 35, 463-475 (1981)
Absolute rate parameters for infrared photochemistry: CF3I → CF3 + I
M. Quack and G. Seyfang, J. Chem. Phys. 76, 955-965 (1982),
Reaction dynamics and statistical mechanics of the preparation of highly
excited states by intense infrared radiation
M. Quack, Advances in Chemical Physics 50, 395-473 (1982) (K.Lawley,
I.Prigogine and S.A.Rice, eds.),
Fast reaction rates in IR-photochemistry: c-C4F8 → 2C2F4
M. Quack and G. Seyfang, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 86, 504-509 (1982),
group additivity rule for integrated band strengths of the C-H chromophore
in the infrared
H.R. Dübal and M. Quack, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans.II, 78, 1489-1496 (1982),
role of intramolecular coupling and relaxation in IR-photochemistry
M. Quack, in "Intramolecular Dynamics" (15th Jerusalem Symposium), 371-390,
J. Jortner and B. Pullmann (eds.) Reidel,
Sequence structure in the high-resolution infrared spectrum of
H.R. Dübal and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 90, 370-374 (1982)
Frequency dependent non-linear intensity dependence in the IR photochemistry
of CF3I
M. Quack and G. Seyfang, Chem. Phys. Lett. 93, 442-447 (1982),
Some kinetic and spectroscopic evidence on intramolecular relaxation
processes in polyatomic molecules
M. Quack, in "Energy storage and redistribution in molecules" (Proceedings
of two workshops on molecular structure, rigidity, and energy surfaces, and
on energy scrambling in a molecule; how stationary are internal states?
1980), J. Hinze ed., 493-511 (1983) Plenum Press,
Detailed symmetry selection rules for chemical reactions
M. Quack, in "Symmetries and properties of non-rigid molecules: A
comprehensive survey",
Proc. Int. Symp. Paris, France, 1 to 7 July 1982, J. Maruani and J. Serre, Eds.,
Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry 23, 355-378 (1983), Elsevier Publishing Co. Amsterdam
Temperature dependent infrared band structure and dynamics of the CH
chromophore in C4F9-C≡C-H
K. von Puttkamer, H.R. Dübal and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 95, 358-362 (1983),
Group additivity for the band strength of the CF-chromophore for IR-photochemistry
M. Quack and H.J. Thöne, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 87, 582-586 (1983),
Quantum interference in the IR-multiphoton excitation of small
asymmetric-top molecules: Ozone
M. Quack and E. Sutcliffe, Chem. Phys. Lett. 99, 167-172 (1983),
Time-dependent processes in polyatomic molecules during and after intense
infrared irradiation
K. von Puttkamer, H.R. Dübal and M. Quack, Faraday Disc. Chem. Soc.
75, 197-210 (1983),
Comments on intramolecular kinetics
M. Quack, Faraday Disc. Chem. Soc. 75, 98-99 (1983),
M. Quack and E. Sutcliffe, ibid. 166-168,
K. von Puttkamer, H.R. Dübal and M. Quack, ibid. 263-266
H.R. Dübal, H. Hollenstein and M. Quack, ibid. 272-276,
K. von Puttkamer and M. Quack, ibid. 343-344
M. Quack, ibid. 348
M. Quack, ibid. 358 - 360
H.R. Dübal, M. Lewerenz and M. Quack, ibid. 358,
M. Quack, ibid. 425
the mechanism of reversible unimolecular reactions and the canonical ("high
pressure") limit of the rate coefficient at low pressures
M. Quack, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 88, 94-100 (1984),
the possibility of mode-selective IR-multiphoton excitation of ozone
M. Quack and
Chem. Phys. Lett. 105, 147-152 (1984),
Spectroscopy and dynamics of the isolated CH chromophore in CD3H:
experiment and theory
S.D. Peyerimhoff, M. Lewerenz and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 109,
563-569 (1984),
Vibrational overtone spectra and vibrational dynamics of CFHCl2
and (CF3)2CFH
H.R. Dübal and M. Quack, Mol.
Phys. 53, 257-264 (1984),
Wie bewegen sich Moleküle? (gedruckte Kurzfassung einer Vorlesung vom
M. Quack, Bulletin der ETH Zürich, No. 189, 19-22 (1984) und M.
Quack, Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Forschung und Technik) 13. Februar 1985, No.
36, Seite 57
Tridiagonal Fermi resonance structure in the IR spectrum of the excited CH-chromophore
in CF3H
H.R. Dübal and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 81, 3779-3792 (1984),
multiphoton excitation of small asymmetric top molecules: rotational and
vibrational inversions for laser action in ozone
M. Quack and E. Sutcliffe, Isr. J. Chem. 24, 204-209 (1984),
Group additivity and overtone intensities for the isolated CH-chromophore
A. Amrein, H.R.Dübal, M. Lewerenz, and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 112, 387-392 (1984),
the H- migration in the NH4- ion
J. Kalcher, P. Rosmus, and M. Quack, Can. J. Phys. 62, 1323-1327 (1984),
High resolution interferometric infrared spectroscopy of CO2 and
CH4 vapour at low temperatures near 10 K: Collisional cooling in supersonic jets and nuclear spin symmetry conservation
H.R. Dübal, M. Quack, and U. Schmitt, Chimia 38, 438-439 (1984)
the densities and numbers of rovibronic states of a given symmetry species:
Rigid and nonrigid molecules, transition states and scattering channels
M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 82, 3277-3283 (1985),
Primary photophysical processes in infrared multiphoton excitation:
Wavepacket motion and state selectivity
M. Quack and E. Sutcliffe, Infrared Physics 25, 163-173 (1985),
vergl.auch: M. Quack, G. Seyfang, E. Sutcliffe, and H.J. Thöne, Proc. 3rd
Intern. Conf.on Infrared Physics,
July 23-27, 1984,
Structure and dynamics of the excited CH chromophore in (CF3)3CH
J.Baggott, M.C. Chuang, R.N. Zare, H.R. Dübal, and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys.
82, 1186-1194 (1985),
High resolution FTIR spectra of 12CF3I, 13CF3I
and 12CF379Br near 1050 cm-1 and
550 cm-1
H. Bürger, K. Burczyk, H. Hollenstein, and M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 55,
255-275 (1985),
High resolution FTIR spectra and assignment of the vibrational structure in
the CF-chromophore region in (CH3)3CF
H. Hollenstein, M. Quack, and H.J. Thöne, Mol. Phys. 56, 463-477 (1985),
the validity of the quasiresonant approximation for molecular infrared
multiphoton excitation
M. Quack and E. Sutcliffe, J. Chem. Phys. 83, 3805-3812 (1985),
Multiple anharmonic resonances in the vibrational overtone spectra of CHClF2
A. Amrein, H.R. Dübal, and M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 56, 727-735 (1985),
Time-dependent quantum dynamics of the picosecond vibrational IR-excitation
of polyatomic molecules
M. Quack, J. Stohner, and E. Sutcliffe, in "Time-resolved vibrational
spectroscopy", A. Lauberau, M. Stockburger, esd. Springer Proceedings in Physics 4, 284-288 (1985),
Generalized quantum statistical model for molecular infrared multiphoton
M. Quack and
Chem. Phys. Lett. 121, 315-320 (1985),
High resolution FTIR overtone spectra and hydrogen bond dissociation
dynamics in (HF)2
K. von Puttkamer and M. Quack, Chimia 39, 358-360 (1985) 1986
Vibrational overtone intensities of the isolated CH and CD chromophores in
fluoroform and chloroform
M. Lewerenz and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 123, 197-202 (1986),
physics and chemistry of molecular IR-multiphoton excitation
M. Quack in "Proceedings of the international conference on recent advances
in molecular reaction dynamics" (colloque international CNRS Aussois, Juin
R. Vetter and J. Vigué, eds., p.391-407, Editions du CNRS, Paris 1986
the measurement of the parity violating energy difference between
M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 132, 147-153 (1986),
High resolution FTIR spectra of CDF3 in the CD stretching
fundamental and overtone regions
H.R. Dübal, M. Lewerenz and M. Quack, J. Chem.
Phys. 85, 34-39 (1986),
Wie bewegen sich Moleküle?
M. Quack in Labor Praxis Sonderpublikation 190-198 (1986) Labor 2000,
(Kurzfassung eines Vortrages auf der 20. GDCh Hauptversammlung, Heidelberg,
September 1985)
URIMIR: Programs for the calculation of the quantum dynamics of IR
multiphoton excitation and dissociation (unimolecular reactions induced by
monochromatic infrared radiation)
M. Quack and E. Sutcliffe, Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange, Program 515,
QCPE Bulletin 6, 98 (1986)
Quantum-mechanical wavepacket dynamics of the CH group in symmetric top X3CH
compounds using effective Hamiltonians from high-resolution spectroscopy
R. Marquardt, M. Quack, J. Stohner and E. Sutcliffe, J. Chem.Soc. Faraday
Trans.2, 82, 1173-1187 (1986),
Quantitative infrared photochemistry at high energy densities: CFCl3 → CFCl2+Cl
D.W. Lupo and M. Quack, Chem.
Phys. Lett. 130, 371-376 (1986),
Molekulare Kinetik und Reaktionsdynamik
M. Quack, Chimia 40, 386-388 (1986)
Molekulare Thermodynamik und Kinetik, Teil 1: Chemische Reaktionskinetik
M. Quack und S. Jans-Bürli, Verlag der Fachvereine, Zürich (1986)
Molecular photofragmentation with many infrared photons: Absolute rate
parameters from quantum dynamics, statistical mechanics, and direct
M. Quack, E. Sutcliffe, P.A. Hackett and D.M. Rayner, Faraday Discuss. Chem.
Soc. 82, 229-240 (1986),
and 82, 289-292 (1986) (replies),
the dynamics of photofragmentation (Discussion contributions to the Faraday
Discussion 82, Bristol, 1986)
M. Quack, 214-217
R. Marquardt and M. Quack, 208-212
M. Quack and H.J. Thöne, 226-227,
M. Quack, 295-296
D. Dietrich, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang, 280-283
D.W. Lupo and M. Quack, 284-285,
M. Quack, 373; 386
K. von Puttkamer and M. Quack, 377-381,

D.W. Lupo and M. Quack, Chem. Rev. 87, 181-216 (1987),
Tridiagonal Fermi resonance structure in the vibrational spectrum of the CH
chromophore in CHF3. II. Visible spectra
J. Segall, R.N. Zare, H.R. Dübal, M. Lewerenz and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys.
86, 634-646 (1987),
High resolution interferometric Fourier transform infrared absorption
spectroscopy in a supersonic free jet expansion: The interacting states ν2, ν5
and ν3 + ν6 of trifluoromethane
A. Amrein, M. Quack and U. Schmitt, Mol. Phys. 60, 237-248 (1987),
laser chemistry and C-F chromophore absorption of
D.W. Lupo, M. Quack and B. Vogelsanger, Helv. Chim. Acta 70, 129-137 (1987),
Absolute rate coefficients in IR-photochemistry: Simple estimates of the
rate constant from molecular parameters
D.W. Lupo and M. Quack, Ber.
Bunsenges. Physik. Chem. 91, 565-570 (1987),
Absolute and relative rate coefficients in the IR-laser chemistry of
bichromophoric fluorobutanes: Tests for inter- and intramolecular
M. Quack and H.J. Thöne, Chem. Phys. Lett. 135, 487-494 (1987),
High resolution interferometric Fourier transform infrared absorption
spectroscopy in supersonic free jet expansions: A new technique for
ultracold gaseous samples
A. Amrein, M. Quack, and U. Schmitt, Z. Physik.Chemie 154, 59-72 (1987),
(vergl.auch Spektroskopie und Dynamik extrem kalter und extrem heisser
Moleküle, Jahresbericht ETH Zürich, 1986, S.53-55)
Analysis of the
ν4 and <ν1 bands of CF3Cl measured by supersonic free-jet FTIR spectroscopy
A. Amrein, H. Hollenstein, P. Locher, M. Quack, U. Schmitt, and H. Bürger,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 139, 82-88 (1987),
Fermi resonance in CHX3: A Hamiltonian in symmetrized curvilinear
internal coordinates
T. Carrington jr., L. Halonen, and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 140, 512-519 (1987),
dynamics of polyatomic molecules during and after coherent excitation
R. Marquardt and M. Quack, 20th Jerusalem Symposium on Large Finite Systems,
J. Jortner, A. Pullman and B. Pullman eds., 31-44, Reidel Publ.Co.Dordrecht 1987,
High resolution interferometric FTIR spectroscopy of (HF)2:
analysis of a low frequency fundamental near 400 cm-1
K. von Puttkamer and M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 62, 1047-1064 (1987),
Contributions on molecular energy transfer
Proceedings COMET X - 10th International conference on molecular energy
transfer, Emmetten 1987
P. Dietrich and M. Quack (eds.), COMET 10 (1987)
a) Investigation of the ν4 and ν1 bands of CF3Cl
measured by supersonic free-jet FTIR spectroscopy
A. Amrein, H. Hollenstein, P. Locher, M. Quack, U. Schmitt and H. Bürger,
COMET 10, 7-8 (1987)
b) High resolution FTIR spectra of CHF3 and
CF3Br at low internal temperatures in supersonic jet expansion:
rotational relaxation and simplified analysis of spectra
A. Amrein, P. Locher, M. Quack and U. Schmitt, COMET 10, 9-11
c) High resolution interferometric FTIR spectroscopy in
supersonic free jet expansions: An investigation of electronic, vibrational,
rotational and nuclear spin energy transfer in carbon monoxide, nitric
oxide, methane, ethyne and propyne
A. Amrein, M. Quack and U. Schmitt, COMET 10, 12-14 (1987)
d) On the transient infrared absorption during and after
IR-multiphoton excitation and dissociation of polyatomic molecules
D. Dietrich, M. Quack and G. Seyfang, COMET 10, 86-88 (1987)
e) Anharmonic coupling in vibrationally highly excited
CH-chromophores of CHX3 symmetric tops: experiment and
variational ab initio theory
T.K. Ha, M. Lewerenz and M. Quack, COMET 10, 130-132 (1987)
f) The dynamics of intramolecular energy redistribution
in polyatomic molecules during and after coherent excitation
R. Marquardt and M. Quack, COMET 10, 178-180 (1987)
g) Vibrational spectrum and intramolecular energy
transfer in the hydrogen fluoride dimer (HF)2
K. von Puttkamer and M. Quack, COMET 10, 195-197 (1987)
h) Intramolecular dynamics of IR-multiphoton overtone
excitation of the CH-chromophore in CHClF2: A computational study
of the Fermi resonance vibrational manifold
M. Quack and J. Stohner, COMET 10, 198-200 (1987)
Molecular energy transfer (Reports from Conferences)
M. Quack, Chimia 41, 443-444 (1987)
93. Vibrational spectrum and potential
energy surface for the CH-chromophore in CHD3
M. Lewerenz and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 88, 5408-5432 (1988),
Investigation of Fermi resonances in CHX3 molecules with an
internal-coordinate Hamiltonian
L. Halonen, T. Carrington jr., and M. Quack, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 2,
84, 1371-1388 (1988),
Contributions to "Vibrational States"
Faraday Symposium on Molecular Vibrations no.23 (Dec.1987), J.Chem.Soc.
Faraday Trans.2, 84 (1988)
a) T.K.Ha, M. Lewerenz and M. Quack, J.Chem.Soc. Faraday
Trans.2, 84, 1556-1558 (1988)
b) M. Quack, ibid. 84, 1577-1579 (1988)
c) M. Lewerenz, R. Marquardt and M. Quack, ibid.
84, 1580 - 1583 (1988)
d) M. Quack, ibid. 84, 1591-1592 (1988)
e) M. Quack, ibid. 84, 1617-1618 (1988)
f) M. Quack, ibid. 84, 1623 (1988)
g) M. Quack, ibid. 84, 1626-1627 (1988)
h) M. Quack, ibid. 84, 1637 (1988)
High resolution interferometric Fourier transform infrared absorption
spectroscopy in supersonic free jet expansions: carbon monoxide, nitric
oxide, methane, ethyne, propyne, and trifluoromethane
A. Amrein, M. Quack, and U. Schmitt, J. Phys. Chem. 92, 5455-5466 (1988),
Band strengths of fundamentals and overtones of the CF and CH chromophores
in CHD2F
C. Kormann, M. Lewerenz, and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 149, 429-432 (1988),
Observation and assignment of tunnelling-rotational transitions in the far
infrared spectrum of (HF)2
K.von Puttkamer, M. Quack, and M.A. Suhm, Molec.Phys. 65, 1025-1045 (1988),
High-resolution FTIR spectroscopy of CHClF2 in a supersonic free
jet expansion
A. Amrein, D. Luckhaus, F. Merkt and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 152, 275-280 (1988),

Structure and dynamics of chiral molecules
M. Quack, Angewandte Chemie 101, 588-604 (1989),
Angewandte Chemie (Intl.Ed.) 28, 571-586 (1989),
Quantitative IR-photochemistry with CO2 laser pulses of different
temporal shape: Dissociation of CF3I with nanosecond pulses
P. Dietrich, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang, Infrared Physics 29, 517-523 (1989),
Molecular motion under the influence of a coherent IR-laser field
R. Marquardt and M. Quack, Infrared Physics 29, 485-501 (1989),
High resolution interferometric FTIR spectroscopy in supersonic free jet
expansions: N2O, CBrF3 and CF3I
A. Amrein, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack, and U. Schmitt, Infrared Physics
29, 561-574 (1989),
Infrared spectrum and dynamics of the hydrogen bonded dimer (HF)2
K. von Puttkamer, M. Quack, and M.A. Suhm, Infrared Physics 29, 535-539 (1989),
Infrared laser chemistry and the dynamics of molecular multiphoton
M. Quack, Infrared Physics 29, 441-466 (1989),
Fermi resonance structure in the CH vibrational overtones of CD3CHO
A. Amrein, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack, R. Zenobi, J. Segall, and R.N. Zare, J.
Chem. Phys. 90, 3944-3951 (1989),
Fermi resonance in the overtone spectra of the CH chromophore in bromoform
A.J. Ross, H. Hollenstein, R. Marquardt, and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett.
156, 455-462 (1989),
rotational structure of the ν1-band of CH35ClF2
A.J. Ross, A. Amrein, D. Luckhaus, and M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 66, 1273-1277 (1989),
(tables in supplementary publication deposited in the
British Library under No Sup 16082)
Free-jet high resolution FTIR spectroscopy of the complex structure of the ν1-band
of CF3I near 9 μm,
H. Bürger, A. Rahner, A. Amrein, H. Hollenstein, and M. Quack, Chem. Phys.
Lett. 156, 557-563 (1989)
IR-multiphoton excitation and wavepacket motion of the harmonic and
anharmonic oscillators: exact solutions and quasiresonant approximation
R. Marquardt and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 90, 6320-6327 (1989),
High resolution spectra and analysis of the hot bands of the ν2 vibration of CF3Cl
L. Nencini, M. Snels, H. Hollenstein, and M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 67, 989-1009 (1989),
Vibrational spectrum, dipole moment function and potential energy surface of
the CH chromophore in CHX3 molecules
H.R. Dübal, T.K. Ha, M. Lewerenz, and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 91, 6698-6713 (1989),
(additional material in Physics Auxiliary Publication
Service, AIP Document PAPS JCPSA-91-6698-15
far infrared pure rotational spectrum and the Coriolis coupling between
ν3 and ν8 in CH35ClF2
D. Luckhaus and M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 68, 745-758 (1989),
High resolution FTIR spectra and analysis of the ν1 fundamental
in 13CF335Cl and 13CF337Cl
H. Hollenstein and M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 68, 759-764 (1989),
(tables in supplementary publication deposited in the British Library under
No SUP 16086)
Vibrational spectra of (HF)2, (HF)n and their D-Isotopomers:
Mode selective rearrangements and nonstatistical unimolecular decay
K. von Puttkamer and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. 139, 31-53 (1989),

Isotope effects in the Fermi resonance of the CH-chromophore in CHX3
H. Hollenstein, M. Lewerenz, and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 165, 175-183 (1990),
Time resolved diode laser infrared absorption spectroscopy of the nascent
HCl in the infrared laser chemistry of 1,2-dichloro-1,1-difluoroethane
P. Dietrich, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang, Chem. Phys. Lett. 167, 535-541 (1990),
Generation of shaped pulses for IR-laser chemistry
M. Quack, C. Rüede, and G. Seyfang, Spectrochim. Acta 46A, 523-536 (1990),
Potential energy surface and energy levels of (HF)2 and its D-Isotopomers
M. Quack, and M.A. Suhm, Mol. Phys. 69, 791-801 (1990),
(tables in supplementary publication deposited in the British Library under No. SUP
The ν6fundamental band of HCOOOH near 1125 cm-1
A. Bauder, J. Dommen, H. Hollenstein, D. Luckhaus, and M. Quack
J. Mol. Spectr. 143, 268-283 (1990),
role of quantum intramolecular dynamics in unimolecular reactions
M. Quack, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, A 332, 203-220 (1990),
Spectra and dynamics of coupled vibrations in polyatomic molecules
M. Quack, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 41, 839-874 (1990),
Observation and assignment of the hydrogen bond exchange disrotatory in
plane bending vibration ν5 in (HF)2
M. Quack and M.A. Suhm, Chem. Phys. Lett. 171, 517-524 (l990),
High resolution infrared spectrum and analysis of the ν11, A2u (B2) fundamental band
of 12C6H6 and 13C12C5H6
H. Hollenstein, S. Piccirillo, M. Quack and M. Snels, Mol. Phys. 71, 759-768 (1990),
Overtone intensities and dipole moment surfaces for the isolated CH-chromophore
in CHD3 and CHF3: Experiment and ab initio theory
T. K. Ha, M. Lewerenz, R. Marquardt and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 93, 7097-7109 (1990),

High resolution Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of the ν3 (F2) fundamental of RuO4
M. Snels, M. P. Sassi and M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 72, 145-158 (1991),
(Tables in supplementary publication deposited in the British Library under
No. SUP 16093, 29 pages)
Fermi resonance in the overtone spectra of the CH-chromophore in CHBr3
II. Visible specta
J. Davidsson, J. H. Gutow, R. N. Zare, H. Hollenstein, R. Marquardt and M.
Quack, J. Phys. Chem. 95, 1201-1209 (1991),
Potential energy surfaces, quasiadiabatic channels, rovibrational spectra
and intramolecular dynamics of (HF)2 and its isotopomers from
Quantum Monte Carlo calculations
M. Quack and M. Suhm, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 28-59 (1991),
Mode selective vibrational redistribution and unimolecular reactions during
and after IR-laser excitation.
M. Quack, Jerusalem Symp. 24, 47-65 (1991).
"Mode Selective Chemistry" J. Jortner, R.D. Levine and B. Pullman eds (D.
Reidel Publishers, Dordrecht), 1991,
a) Molecular spectra and molecular motion (lecture
M. Quack, in "Static, Kinematic and Dynamic Aspects of Crystal and Molecular
Structure", 18th Internat. School of Crystallography, (Erice 1991, edited by
T.L. Blundell, H.B. Bürgi, J.D. Dunitz), p. 153-162.
rovibrational analysis of the high-resolution IR spectrum of CD2HF
below 1200 cm-1: An interacting tetrad of vibrational levels.
D. Luckhaus and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 180, 524-532 (1991),
Quasiadiabatic channels and effective transition state barriers for the
disrotatory in-plane hydrogen-bond exchange motion in (HF)2
M. Quack and M. Suhm, Chem. Phys. Lett. 183, 187-194 (1991),
wave packet motion and intramolecular vibrational redistribution in CHX3
molecules under IR-multiphoton excitation.
R. Marquardt and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 4854-4867 (1991),
High resolution FTIR spectroscopy of CHCl2F in supersonic jets:
Analysis of ν3, ν7, and ν8
M. Snels and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 6355-6361 (1991),

Spectrum and dynamics of the CH chromophore in CHD2F: I.
Vibrational Hamiltonian and analysis of rovibrational spectra
D. Luckhaus and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 190, 581-589 (1992),
Spectrum and dynamics of the CH chromophore in CHD2F: II. Ab
initio calculations of the potential and dipole moment functions
T.K. Ha, D. Luckhaus and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 190, 590-598 (1992),
Time resolved IR-spectroscopic observation of relaxation and reaction
processes during and after IR-multiphoton excitation of 12CF3I
and 13CF3I with shaped nanosecond pulses
M. Quack, R. Schwarz and G. Seyfang, J. Chem. Phys. 96, 8727-8740 (1992),
High resolution FTIR-spectra of NO2 and N2O4
in supersonic jet expansions and their rovibrational analysis
D. Luckhaus and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 199, 293-301 (1992),
Time dependent intramolecular quantum dynamics from high resolution
spectroscopy and laser chemistry
M. Quack, in "Time dependent quantum molecular dynamics". NATO ASI Series
Vol. 299, J. Broeckhove and L. Lathouwers eds., Plenum Press,
New York (1992), 293-310,
Die Symmetrie von Zeit und Raum und ihre Verletzung in molekularen Prozessen
M. Quack, Jahrbuch 1990-1992 der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin,
W. de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin (schriftliche Fassung des achten öffentlichen
Akademievortrages, Berlin 4.10.1990), Seiten 469-507

Vibrational dynamics of (HF)n aggregates from an ab initio based
analytical (1+2+3)-body potential
a) M. Quack, J. Stohner and M. Suhm, C4-Bulletin 6,
13, (1992)
b) M. Quack, J. Stohner and M. Suhm, J. Mol. Struct. 294, 33-36 (1993),
role of potential anisotropy in the dynamics of the CH-Chromophore in CHX3
(C3v) symmetric tops
D. Luckhaus and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 205, 277-284 (1993),
Molecular quantum dynamics from high resolution spectroscopy and laser
M. Quack, J. Mol. Struct. 292, 171-195 (1993),
Dynamics of the CH chromophore in CHX3: A combined treatment for
a set of isotopic species
H. Hollenstein, D. Luckhaus and M. Quack, J. Mol. Struct. 294, 65-70 (1993),
High resolution FTIR spectra of "NOx" (NO2, N2O4)
in supersonic jet expansions and their rovibrational analysis. II.
D. Luckhaus and M. Quack, J. Mol. Struct. 293, 213-216 (1993),
Evidence for the (HF)5 complex in the HF stretching FTIR
absorption of pulsed and continuous supersonic jet expansions of hydrogen
M. Quack, U. Schmitt and M.A. Suhm, Chem. Phys. Lett. 208, 446-452 (1993),
Spectroscopy, laser chemistry and time dependent quantum dynamics of
molecules and clusters
R. Marquardt, M. Quack, J. Stohner and M.A. Suhm, in "Supercomputing
Projects Switzerland", ed. by CSCS, EPFL and ETHZ, Manno, 1993, pages 31-34
Femtosecond quantum structure, equilibration and time reversal for the CH-chromophore
dynamics in CHD2F
D. Luckhaus, M. Quack and J. Stohner, Chem. Phys. Lett. 212, 434-443 (1993),
Time resolved detection of reaction products in the infrared laser chemistry
of sulfoxides: C2H4SO, (CH3)2SO,
H. Gross, Y. He, M. Quack, A. Schmid and G. Seyfang, Chem. Phys. Lett.
213, 122-130 (1993),
Femtosecond quantum dynamics of functional groups under coherent infrared
multiphoton excitation as derived from the analysis of high resolution
M. Quack and J. Stohner, J. Phys. Chem. 97, 12574-12590 (1993),
Diode laser detection of iodine atom hyperfine transitions during and after
infrared multiphoton excitation and dissociation of CF3I with
short pulse CO2-lasers
Y. He, M. Quack, R. Ranz and G. Seyfang.
Chem. Phys. Lett. 215, 228-236 (1993),

Slit jet diode laser and FTIR spectroscopy of CF3I and improved
analysis of the symmetric CF3-stretching chromophore absorption
H. Hollenstein, M. Quack and E. Richard, Chem. Phys. Lett. 222, 176-184 (1994),
Quantum vibrational motion in polyatomic molecules from femtoseconds to days
M. Quack, Springer Proc. in Phys. 74, 3-7 (1994), in "Time
resolved vibrational spectroscopy VI". Proc. 6th Int.
Conf. TRVS Berlin, May 1993, A. Lau, F. Siebert, W. Werncke eds., Springer
Verlag Berlin 1994,
Vibrational IR-multiphoton excitation of small sulfoxides: Time-resolved IR-spectroscopic
detection of dissociation products
H. Gross, Y. He, M. Quack and G. Seyfang, Springer Proc. in Phys. 74,
169-172 (1994), in "Time resolved vibrational spectroscopy VI". Proc. 6th
Conf. TRVS Berlin, May 1993, A. Lau, F. Siebert, W. Werncke eds., Springer
Verlag Berlin 1994,
Sub-Doppler supersonic jet spectra of the coupled 6a01 and 6a01 vibronic bands of the
S1(1B2u) ← S0(1A1g) transition in monodeuterobenzene and their
rovibrational analysis
E. Riedle, A. Beil, D. Luckhaus and M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 81, 1-15 (1994),
Statistical aspects of the radiative excitation of the harmonic oscillator
R. Marquardt and M. Quack, J. Phys. Chem. 98, 3486-3491 (1994),
Dipole moment function and equilibrium structure of methane in an
analytical, anharmonic 9-dimensional potential surface related to
experimental rotational constants and transition moments by quantum Monte
Carlo calculations
H. Hollenstein, R. Marquardt, M. Quack and M.A. Suhm, J. Chem. Phys.
101, 3588-3602 (1994),
Overtone spectroscopy by vibrationally assisted dissociation and
photofragment ionization
M. Hippler and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 231, 75-80 (1994),
the measurement of CP-violating energy differences in matter-antimatter
M. Quack, Chem.
Phys. Lett. 231, 421-428 (1994),
(auch Verh.
VI, 28, 244 (1993))
Intramolecular energy transfer and vibrational redistribution in chiral
molecules: Experiment and theory
A. Beil, D. Luckhaus, R. Marquardt and M. Quack, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday
Discuss. 99, 49-76 (1994),
Discussion contributions on molecular chirality and anharmonic vibrational
dynamics of chiral molecules
A. Beil, D. Luckhaus, R. Marquardt and M. Quack (discussion replies) J.
Chem. Soc. Faraday Disc. 99, 96-97 (1994).
M. Quack, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Disc. 99 (1994)
pp. 98-99; On the four, classical and nonclassical isomers of chiral
pp. 200-201, 206, 214, 215, 388; On VCD and anharmonicity, nomenclature and
optical rotatory power as well as selection rules including effects of
parity violation
pp. 389-395, 397-398; On fundamental aspects of molecular chirality
Molecular femtosecond quantum dynamics between less than yoctoseconds and
more than days: Experiment and theory
M. Quack, chapter 27 in: "Femtosecond Chemistry", J. Manz and L. Woeste
eds., Proc. Berlin Conf. Femtosecond Chemistry, Berlin (March 1993), Verlag
Chemie, Weinheim (1994), p. 781-818

the stereomutation of methane possible?
M.J. Pepper, I. Shavitt, P. v. Ragué Schleyer, M.N. Glukhovtsev, R.
Janoschek and M. Quack, J. Comp. Chem. 16, 207-225 (1995),
Infrared laser chemistry
M. Quack, Infrared Phys. Technol. 36, 365-380 (1995),
symmetries of time and space and their violation in chiral molecules and
molecular processes
M. Quack, in "Conceptual Tools for Understanding Nature". Proc. 2nd Intl.
Symp. of Science and Epistemology Seminar, Trieste April 1993, eds. G.
Costa, G. Calucci and M. Giorgi, World Scientific Publ., Singapore (1995),
p. 172-208.
Accurate quantum Monte Carlo calculations of the tunneling splitting in (HF)2
on a
6-dimensional potential hypersurface.
M. Quack and M.A. Suhm, Chem. Phys. Lett. 234, 71-76 (1995),
Molecular infrared spectra and molecular motion
M. Quack, J. Mol. Struct. 347, 245-266 (1995)
FTIR spectroscopy in asynchronously pulsed supersonic free jet expansions
and on the interpretation of stretching spectra of HF clusters
D. Luckhaus, M. Quack, U. Schmitt and M.A. Suhm, Ber. Bunsenges. Physik.
Chem. 99, 457-468 (1995),
(auch: Abstracts of the Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy and Molecular
Dynamics, Theory and Experiment, Grainau 1994, page 73)
Dipole moment function of methane and analytical anharmonic 9-dimensional
potential surface: Theory and experiment for the permanent electric dipole
moment of CH2D2 using quantum Monte Carlo calculations
and FTIR spectroscopy
H. Hollenstein, R. Marquardt, M. Quack and M.A. Suhm, Ber. Bunsenges. Physik.
Chem. 99, 275-281 (1995),
(auch: Abstracts of the Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy and Molecular
Dynamics, Theory and Experiment, Grainau 1994, page 46)
Overtone spectroscopy of chloroform in a supersonic jet by vibrationally
assisted dissociation and photofragment ionization
M. Hippler and M. Quack, Ber. Bunsenges. Physik. Chem. 99, 417-421 (1995),
(auch: Abstracts of the Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy and Molecular
Dynamics, Theory and Experiment, Grainau 1994, page 44)
Vibrational IR-multiphoton excitation of thiirane-1-oxide (C2H4SO)
d-thiirane-1-oxide (C2H3DSO)
H. Gross, Y. He, C. Jeitziner, M. Quack and G. Seyfang, Ber. Bunsenges.
Physik. Chem. 99, 358-365 (1995),
(auch: Abstracts of the Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy and Molecular
Dynamics, Theory and Experiment, Grainau 1994, page 38)
Absolute integrated band strength and magnetic dipole transition moments in
2P3/2 → 2P1/2
fine structure (with hyperfine structure)
transition of the iodine atom: Experiment and theory
T.K. Ha, Y. He, J. Pochert, M. Quack, R. Ranz, G. Seyfang and I. Thanopulos,
Ber. Bunsenges. Physik. Chem. 99, 384-392 (1995),
(auch: Abstracts of the Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy and Molecular
Dynamics, Theory and Experiment, Grainau 1994, page 55)
Molecular spectroscopy and molecular dynamics: Theory and Experiment
M. Quack and W. Kutzelnigg, Ber.
Bunsenges. Physik. Chem. 99, 231-245 (1995)
Gedanken zum Chemieunterricht am Gymnasium aus der Sicht der Hochschule
M. Quack und A. Schweiger, Chimia 49, 333-335 (1995)
Rotational analysis of the
band of trichlorofluoromethane from high resolution Fourier transform and
diode laser spectra of supersonic jets and isotopically enriched samples
M. Snels, A. Beil, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack, U. Schmitt and F. d'Amato, J.
Chem. Phys. 103, 8846-8853 (1995),
Dynamics of unimolecular reactions induced by monochromatic infrared
radiation: Experiment and theory for CnFmXI & CnFmX+I
probed with hyperfine-, Doppler- and uncertainty limited time resolution of
iodine atom infrared absorption
Y. He, J. Pochert, M. Quack, R. Ranz and G. Seyfang, J.
Chem. Soc. Faraday Disc. 102, 275-300 (1995),
(auch in Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Atomic, Molecular, Cluster,
Ion and Surface Physics, SASP 96, John P. Maier and M. Quack eds., p.
153-156, vdf Hochsculverlag Publishers, Zürich 1996)
Discussion contributions on unimolecular reaction dynamics
Y. He, J. Pochert, M. Quack, R. Ranz and G. Seyfang (replies). J. Chem. Soc.
Faraday Disc. 102, 354-358 (1995)
M. Quack, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Disc. 102 (1995)
pp. 87, 88; On K-nonconservation and on quasiadiabatic channel Quantum Monte
Carlo calculations
pp. 90-93; On IVR, symmetry and dynamics
pp. 99-100, 104-107; On reversible unimolecular reactions including the
example Hexafluoroisopropanol
pp. 110-112; On the treatment of flexible transition states
pp. 245-250, 253-254; On IVR and anharmonic potentials for methanol
pp. 260-261; On the reaction dynamics O(1D2) with CH4
via a methanol intermediate complex
pp. 271-272; On approximately good quantum numbers in IVRR, RRKM theory and
the adiabatic channel model (ACM)
pp. 358-362, 372-375; On symmetry selectivity and mode selectivity in
unimolecular reactions
pp. 364-366, 371, 387; On infrared multiphoton excitation
pp. 377-378; On K-nonconservation in the dissociation of H2O2
pp. 383-384, 480; On statistical theories for the reaction dynamics of
hydrogen bonded complexes and related questions.

hydrogen-bonded complexes: The case of (HF)2
M. Quack and M. Suhm, Theor. Chim. Acta 93, 61-65 (1996),
Supersonic jet spectroscopy and high resolution FTIR-study of SPF3.
Analysis of the ν1, ν2, and ν3 bands
H. Bürger, U. Goergens, H. Ruland, M. Quack and U. Schmitt, Mol. Phys.
87, 469-483 (1996),
Isotope selective overtone spectroscopy of CHCl3 by vibrationally
assisted dissociation and photofragment ionization
M. Hippler and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 104, 7426-7430 (1996),
Radiative excitation of the harmonic oscillator with applications to
stereomutation in chiral molecules
R. Marquardt and M. Quack, Z. Physik D 36, 229-237 (1996),
(auch in Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Atomic, Molecular, Cluster,
Ion and Surface Physics, SASP 96, John P. Maier and M. Quack eds., p.
199-202, vdf Hochschulverlag Publishers, Zürich 1996)
initio calculation of molecular energies including parity violating
A. Bakasov, T.K. Ha and M. Quack, in Proc. of the 4th Trieste Conference
(1995), Chemical Evolution: Physics of the Origin and Evolution of
Life, 287-296, J. Chela-Flores and F. Rolin eds, Kluwer Academic Publ.
Dordrecht, 1996,
High resolution diode laser and FTIR spectroscopy of (HF)n and
its isotopomers
R. Signorell, Y. He, H. Müller, M. Quack and M.A. Suhm, in Proceedings of
the 10th Symposium on Atomic, Molecular, Cluster, Ion and Surface Physics,
SASP 96, John P. Maier and M. Quack eds., p. 256-259, vdf Hochschulverlag Publishers, Zürich 1996
Infrared spectrum of CCl3F (Freon 11): CF-stretching overtones
and anharmonicities
H. Hollenstein, M. Quack and M. Snels, in Proceedings of the 10th Symposium
on Atomic, Molecular, Cluster, Ion and Surface Physics, SASP 96, John P.
Maier and M. Quack eds., p. 163-166, vdf Hochschulverlag Publishers, Zürich
Quantum dynamics on high dimensional surfaces: Large amplitude nuclear
motion of methane
R. Marquardt and M. Quack, in Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Atomic,
Molecular, Cluster, Ion and Surface Physics, SASP 96, John P. Maier and M.
Quack eds., p. 19-22, vdf Hochschulverlag Publishers, Zürich 1996
permanent electric dipole moment of CH2D2: FIR
spectroscopy, centrifugal distortion effects and quantum Monte Carlo
calculations with 9-dimensional analytical dipole moment and potential
functions of methane
R. Signorell, R. Marquardt, M. Quack and M.A. Suhm, Mol. Phys. 89,
297-313 (1996),
(auch in Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Atomic, Molecular, Cluster,
Ion and Surface Physics, SASP 96, John P. Maier and M. Quack eds., p.
260-263, vdf Hochschulverlag Publishers, Zürich 1996)
new ab initio based six-dimensional semiempirical pair interaction potential
for HF
W. Klopper, M. Quack, M. Suhm, Chem. Phys. Lett. 261, 35-44 (1996),
Fermi resonance structure and femtosecond quantum dynamics of a chiral
molecule from the analysis of vibrational overtone spectra of CHBrClF
A. Beil, D. Luckhaus and M. Quack, Ber.
Bunsenges. Physik. Chem. 100, 1853-1875 (1996),

Potential energy hypersurfaces for hydrogen bonded clusters (HF)n
M. Quack and M.A. Suhm, in "Conceptual Perspectives in Quantum Chemistry",
415-463, E.S. Kryachko and J.L. Calais eds., Kluwer, Dordrecht 1997,
Synthese, Struktur, hochauflösende Spektroskopie und Mechanismus der
Laserchemie von Fluoroxiran und 2,2 Dideuterofluoroxiran
H. Hollenstein, D. Luckhaus, J. Pochert, M. Quack and G. Seyfang, Angew.
Chemie 109, 136-140 (1997),
Potential energy hypersurfaces for hydrogen bonded clusters (HF)
Synthesis, structure, high resolution spectroscopy and mechanism of the
laser chemistry of fluorooxirane and 2,2-[2H2]-fluorooxirane
H. Hollenstein, D. Luckhaus, J. Pochert, M. Quack and G. Seyfang, Angew.
Chem. Intl. Ed.
(English) 36, 140-143 (1997),
Intramolecular energy transfer from isotope selective overtone spectroscopy
by vibrationally assisted dissociation and photofragment ionization
M. Hippler and M. Quack, Ber.
Bunsenges. Physik. Chem. 101, 356-362 (1997),
Intramolecular vibrational redistribution and unimolecular reaction:
Concepts and new results on the femtosecond dynamics and statistics in
A. Beil, D. Luckhaus, M. Quack and J. Stohner, Ber.
Bunsenges. Physik. Chem. 101, 311-328 (1997),
FTIR spectroscopy of hydrogen fluoride clusters in synchronously pulsed
supersonic jets: Isotopic isolation, substitution and 3-d condensation
M. Quack, U. Schmitt and M.A. Suhm, Chem.
Phys. Lett. 269, 29-38 (1997),
(auch: J. Aerosol.
28, Supplement 363-364 (1997),
Combined high resolution infrared and microwave study of
A. Bauder, A. Beil, D. Luckhaus, F. Müller and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys.
106, 7558-7570 (1997),
Comments on intramolecular dynamics and femtosecond kinetics
M. Quack, Proc. 20th Solvay Conference "Chemical Reactions and their control
on the femtosecond time scale", Brussels 1995, Adv. Chem. Phys. 101,
83-84, 92-93, 202, 277-278, 282, 373-382, 443, 453-456, 459, 586-591, 595
Infrared multiphoton excitation, dissociation, and ionization of C60
M. Hippler, M. Quack, R. Schwarz, G. Seyfang, S. Matt and T. Märk, Chem.
Phys. Lett. 278, 111-120 (1997),
critical analysis of electronic density functionals for structural,
energetic, dynamic and magnetic properties of hydrogen fluoride clusters
Ch. Maerker, P.v.R. Schleyer, K.R. Liedl, T.-K. Ha, M. Quack and M.A. Suhm,
J. Comp. Chem. 18, 1695-1719 (1997),
Suppl. Material ftp.Wiley.com/public/journals/jcc/suppmat/18/1695 or
Excited vibrational states of benzene: High resolution FTIR spectra and
analysis of some out-of-plane vibrational fundamentals of C6H5D
M. Snels, A. Beil, H. Hollenstein and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. 225, 107-130 (1997),

synthesis of [2-2H1]thiirane-1-oxide and [2,2-2H2]thiirane-1-oxide
and the diastereoselective infrared laser chemistry of [2-2H1]thiirane-1-oxide
H. Gross, G. Grassi and M. Quack, Chemistry - A European Journal 4,No 3, 441-448 (1998)
Explicitly correlated coupled cluster calculations of the electronic
dissociation energies and barriers to concerted hydrogen exchange of (HF)n
oligomers (n=2,3,4,5)
W. Klopper, M. Quack and M.A. Suhm, Mol. Phys. 94, 105-119 (1998),
Multiphoton Excitation
M. Quack in "Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry", Vol. 3, p. 1775-1791,
P. von Ragué Schleyer, N. Allinger, T. Clark, J. Gasteiger, P.A. Kollman,
H.F. Schaefer III and P.R. Schreiner eds., John Wiley and Sons, 1998
Statistical Adiabatic Channel Models
M. Quack and J. Troe, in "Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry", Vol. 4,
p. 2708-2726, P. von Ragué Schleyer, N. Allinger, T. Clark, J. Gasteiger,
P.A. Kollman, H.F. Schaefer III, P.R. Schreiner eds., John Wiley and Sons,
High resolution cavity ring down absorption spectroscopy of nitrous oxide
and chloroform using a near infrared cw diode laser
Y. He, M. Hippler and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 289, 527-534 (1998),
Spectroscopy and quantum dynamics of hydrogen fluoride clusters
M. Quack and M.A. Suhm, in "Advances in Molecular Vibrations and Collision
Dynamics, Vol. III, Molecular Clusters", p. 205-248, Z. Bacic & J. Bowman
JAI press, Stamford, Conn. and London, England 1998 (ISBN: 1-55938-790-4)
initio calculations of the structure, kinetics, and IR-laser chemical
reaction dynamics of fluorooxirane
T.K. Ha, J. Pochert and M. Quack, J. Phys. Chem. A 102, 5241-5252 (1998)
(supplementary publication of 5 pages published separately)
dimer: Empirically refined analytical potential energy and dipole
hypersurfaces from ab initio calculations
W. Klopper, M. Quack and M.A. Suhm, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 10096-10115 (1998),
(88 pages supplementary material published as AIP Document No PAPS
JCPSA6-108-303 820-88 by American Institute of Physics, Physics Auxiliary
Publication Service)
initio calculation of molecular energies including parity violating
A. Bakasov, T.K. Ha and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 109, 7263-7285 (1998),
(31 pages of supplementary material published as AIP Document, No PAPS
JCP A6-109-303832 by American Institute of Physics, Physics Auxiliary
Publication Service, 500 Sunnyside Blvd., Woodbury, N.Y. 11797-2999)
Erratum: J. Chem. Phys. 110, 6081 (1999)
see also: Studies of parity violation in chiral molecules: Molecular physics
vs. accelerators and the Z3+d
amplification law
A. Bakasov, T.K. Ha and M. Quack, Chimia 51, 559 (1997)
Isotopomer selective overtone spectroscopy by ionization detected IR+UV
double resonance of jet-cooled aniline
B. Fehrensen, M. Hippler and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 298, 320-328 (1998)
Vibrational spectroscopy, anharmonic resonances, and intramolecular
vibrational redistribution in tetrafluoroiodoethane
J. Pochert and M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 95, 1055-1075 (1998),
SASP 98 contributions, in "Proceedings of the Symposium on Atomic and
Surface Physics and Related Topics, SASP 98, Going/Kitzbühel, Austria", A.
Hansel and W. Lindinger eds. (Institut für Ionenphysik der Universität
Symmetries and dynamics of molecules and clusters: Fundamental aspects and
new results, M. Quack, pages 2-26 to 2-28
Femtosecond population dynamics of highly excited vibrational states in
tetrafluoro - iodoethane, J. Pochert and M. Quack, pages
4-9 to 4-12
Nonlinear intensity dependence in the infrared multiphoton excitation and
dissociation of methanol preexcited to different vibrational energies, O.V.
Boyarkin, T.R. Rizzo, D. Rueda, M. Quack and G. Seyfang,
pages 4-13 to 4-16
Parity violating potentials for molecules and clusters, A. Bakasov, T.-K. Ha
and M. Quack, pages 4-17 to 4-20
Some simple mechanisms of multiphoton excitation in many level systems, E.
Donley, R. Marquardt, M. Quack, J. Stohner, I. Thanopulos and E.U.
Wallenborn, pages 4-21 to 4-24
Towards an understanding of the reaction dynamics of organic molecules on
the femtosecond time scale
R. Marquardt and M. Quack, pages 290-309 in "Atualidades de Fisico-Quimica
Organica", ed. by E. Humeres and R. Yunes, Univ. Publ. of the Federal
University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis-SC-Brasil (1998), ISSN-1414-0314
Global analytical potential hypersurfaces for large amplitude nuclear motion
and reaction in methane
I. Formulation of the potentials and adjustment of parameters to ab initio
data and experimental constraints
R. Marquardt and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 109, 10628-10643 (1998),
(27 pages of supplementary material published as AIP Document No PAPS
JCPS A6-109-010 845 by American Institute of Physics, Physics Auxiliary
Publication Service, 500 Sunnyside Blvd., Woodbury, N.Y. 11797-2999)

Inversion tunneling in aniline from high resolution infrared spectroscopy
and an adiabatic reaction path Hamiltonian approach
B. Fehrensen, D. Luckhaus and M. Quack, Z. Physik. Chem. 209, 1-19 (1999),
Mode selective stereomutation tunnelling in hydrogen peroxide isotopomers
B. Fehrensen, D. Luckhaus and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 300, 312-320 (1999),
Representation of parity violating potentials in molecular main chiral axes
A. Bakasov and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 303, 547-557 (1999),
initio calculations for the anharmonic vibrational resonance dynamics in the
overtone spectra of the coupled OH and CH chromophores in CD2H-OH
M. Quack and M. Willeke, J. Chem. Phys. 110, 11958-11970, (1999),
High resolution infrared spectra and simultaneous rovibrational analysis of
the ν2, ν3,ν5, and ν6 bands of H3SiF
D. Papousek, H. Bürger, A. Rahner, P. Schulz, H. Hollenstein and M. Quack,
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 195, 263-280 (1999),
new six dimensional analytical potential up to chemically significant
energies for the electronic ground state of hydrogen peroxide
B. Kuhn, T.R. Rizzo, D. Luckhaus, M. Quack and M.A. Suhm, J. Chem. Phys.
111, 2565-2587 (1999),
(135 pages of supplementary material published as AIP Document No PAPS
JCPS A6-111-302 905 by American Institute of Physics, Physics Auxiliary
Publication Service, 500 Sunnyside Blvd., Woodbury, N.Y. 11797-2999)
ring-down infrared absorption spectroscopy in pulsed supersonic jets:
Nitrous oxide and methane
M. Hippler and M. Quack, Chem. Phys. Lett. 314, 273-281 (1999),
Intramolekulare Dynamik: Irreversibilität, Zeitumkehrsymmetrie und eine
absolute Moleküluhr
M. Quack, Nova Acta Leopoldina 81, Neue Folge (No. 314) 137-173
Multi-configuration linear response approach to the calculation of parity
violating potentials in polyatomic molecules
R. Berger and M. Quack, J. Chem. Phys. 112, 3148-3158 (2000),
(cf. R. Berger and M. Quack, Proc. 37th IUPAC Congress Vol. 2, p.
518, Berlin (1999))

Deperturbation of the low frequency infrared modes of ketene (CH2CO)
L. Nemes, D. Luckhaus, M. Quack and J.W.C. Johns, J. Mol. Struct.
517/518, 217-226 (2000),
Influence of parity violating weak nuclear potentials on vibrational and
rotational frequencies in chiral molecules
M. Quack and J. Stohner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3807-3810 (2000),
ν1 and ν3 band of ND3
M. Snels, L. Fusina, H. Hollenstein and M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 98, 837-854 (2000),
Vibrational spectra and intramolecular vibrational redistribution in highly
excited deuterobromochlorofluoromethane CDBrClF: Experiment and theory
A. Beil, H. Hollenstein, O. Monti, M. Quack and J. Stohner, J. Chem. Phys.
113, 2701-2718 (2000),
initio calculation and spectroscopic analysis of the intramolecular
vibrational redistribution in 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroiodoethane CF3CHFI
J. Pochert, M. Quack, J. Stohner and M. Willeke, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 2719-2735 (2000),
do parity violating weak nuclear interactions influence rovibrational
frequencies in chiral molecules?
M. Quack and J. Stohner, Z. Physik. Chem. 214, 675-703 (2000),
and prepublished summary in SASP 2000, Proc. 12th Symp. On Atomic
and Surface Physics and related Topics, D. Bassi and P. Tosi editors,
Folgaria, Trento (2000), pages PR-11, 1-4.
Dynamical chirality and the quantum dynamics of bending vibrations of the CH
chromophore in methane isotopomers
R. Marquardt, M. Quack and I. Thanopulos, J. Phys. Chem. A 104, 6129-6149 (2000),
Time resolved FTIR-detection of IR-multiphoton initiated dissociation of
formic acid dimers: Evidence for a dimer with a simple strong hydrogen bond.
J. Blumberger, T.K. Ha, J. Paff, M. Quack and G. Seyfang in SASP 2000, Proc.
12th Symp. on Atomic and Surface Physics and Related Topics, D.
Bassi and P. Tosi eds.
Folgaria, Trento (2000), pages PB-2, 1 - 4
Remarks on the signs of g-factors in atomic and molecular Zeeman
J.M. Brown, R.J. Buenker, A. Carrington, C. di Lauro, R.N. Dixon, R.W.
Field, J.T. Hougen, W. Hüttner, K. Kuchitsu, M. Mehring, A.J. Merer, T.A.
Miller, M. Quack, D.A. Ramsey, L. Veseth and R.N. Zare, Mol.
Phys. 98, 1597 - 1601 (2000),
Electroweak quantum chemistry of alanine: Parity violation in gas and
condensed phases
R. Berger and M. Quack, ChemPhysChem. 1, 57-60 (2000),
Electroweak quantum chemistry of possible precursor molecules in the
evolution of biomolecular homochirality
R. Berger, M. Quack and G. Tschumper, Helv. Chim. Acta 83, 1919 - 1950 (2000),
Coupling across bonds: ab initio calculations for the anharmonic vibrational
resonance dynamics of the coupled OH and CH chromophores in trans formic
acid HCOOH
D. Luckhaus, M. Quack and M. Willeke, Z. Physik. Chem. 214,
1087-1114 (2000)
(dedicated to J. Troe),

Diode laser jet spectra and analysis of the
fundamentals of CCl3F
M. Snels, G. D'Amico, L. Piccarreta, H. Hollenstein and M. Quack
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 205, 102 - 109 (2001),
Parity violation in fluorooxirane
R. Berger, M. Quack and J. Stohner,
Chemie 113, 1716 - 1719 (2001),
Angew. Chem.
Intl. Ed. (Engl.) 40, 1667 - 1670 (2001),
Some simple mechanisms of multiphoton excitation in many level systems
E. Donley, R. Marquardt, M. Quack, J. Stohner, I. Thanopulos and E. U.
Mol. Phys. 99, 1275 - 1287 (2001),
Phase Kinetics
D. Luckhaus and M. Quack
Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry Vol. 1
(Fundamentals), Chapter A.3.4, pages 653 - 682 (IOP publishing, Bristol 2001,
ed. by J. H. Moore and N. D. Spencer, ISBN 0-7503-0798-6))
Energy Redistribution in Reacting Systems
R. Marquardt and M. Quack
Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry Vol. 1
(Fundamentals), Chapter A.3.13, pages 897 - 936 (IOP publishing, Bristol 2001,
ed. by J. H. Moore and N. D. Spencer, ISBN 0-7503-0798-6)
Phase Kinetics Studies
D. Luckhaus and M. Quack
Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry Vol. 2 (Methods),
Chapter B.2.5, pages 1871 - 1904 (IOP publishing, Bristol 2001, ed. by J. H.
Moore and N. D. Spencer)
Mode selective Stereomutation and Parity violation in disulphane isotopomers
H2S2, D2S2, T2S2
M. Gottselig, D. Luckhaus, M. Quack, J. Stohner, M. Willeke
Helv. Chim. Acta 84, 1846 - 1861 (2001),
(Dedicated to E. Heilbronner),
Analytical three-body interaction potentials and hydrogen bond dynamics of
hydrogen fluoride aggregates (HF)n, n ≥ 3
M. Quack, J. Stohner and M. Suhm
J. Mol. Structure 599, 381 - 425 (2001),
(dedicated to A. Bauder)
a) An appreciation of Alfred Bauder
F. Merkt and M. Quack,
J. Mol. Structure 599, 1 - 8 (2001),
High resolution FTIR spectra and analysis of the
fundamental band of 13C6H6
M. Snels, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack
Phys. Lett. 350, 57 - 62 (2001),
Molecules in Motion
M. Quack
Chimia 55, 753 - 758 (2001)
a) Moleküle in Bewegung
M. Quack
ETH Bulletin, 282, 30 - 35 (2001); Nachdruck in Chemie Plus
(Schweizer Fachzeitschrift der Chemieberufe), 7-8, 12-18
b) From Molecules in Motion to Quantum Chemical Kinetics, Laser Chemistry and Molecular Parity Violation
S. Albert, M. Gottselig, M. Hippler, H. Hollenstein, R. Marquardt, L. Oeltjen, M. Quack, H. Schmid, G. Seyfang, A. Sieben, J. Stohner, M. Willeke
Feature Project, C4 Annual Report 2001/02, pp. 33-46, ETH Zürich, Fröhlich Druck,
Zürich 2002
Parity violation dominates the dynamics of chirality in dichlorodisulfane
R. Berger, M. Gottselig, M. Quack and M. Willeke
Angew. Chem. 113, 4342 - 4345 (2001),
Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. (English) 40, 4195 - 4198 (2001),
Molecular chirality and the fundamental symmetries of physics: Influence of
parity violation on rovibrational frequencies and thermodynamic properties
M. Quack and J. Stohner
Chirality, 13, 745 - 753 (2001),
Erratum: Chirality, 15, 375 - 376 (2003)

High resolution analysis of the complex symmetric stretching chromophore
absorption in CF3I
Y. He, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack, E. Richard, M. Snels and H. Bürger
J. Chem. Phys 116, 974 - 983 (2002),
Anchoring the water dimer potential energy surface with explicitly
correlated computations and focal point analyses
G.S. Tschumper, M.L. Leiniger, B.C. Hoffmann, E.F. Valeev, H.F. Schaefer III
and M. Quack
J. Chem. Phys. 116, 690 - 701 (2002),
Introduction to "The symmetry groups of non-rigid molecules" by H.C. Longuet-Higgins
I. M. Mills and M. Quack,
Mol. Phys. 100, 9 - 10 (2002),
High resolution FTIR spectra and analysis of the fundamental ν11 and of the ν2 + ν11, ν5 + ν12
and ν7 + ν16 combination bands of 12C6D6
M. Snels, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack, E. Cané, A. Miani, and A.
Mol. Phys. 100, 981 - 1001 (2002),
High-resolution FTIR and cw-diode laser cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the
+ 2ν3
band of methane near 7510 cm-1 in slit jet expansions
and at room temperature
M. Hippler and M. Quack
J. Chem. Phys. 116, 6045 - 6055 (2002),
a) see also Proc. 17th Coll. High Resol. Mol. Spectrosc.
Papendal-Arnhem, p. 275 (Nijmegen Sept. 2001, ed. by L. Meerts, ISBN 90-3730
b) See also Foreword Seventeenth Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular
Jean-Marie Flaud, Gianfranco Di Lonardo, W. Leo Meerts, and Martin Quack
Mol. Phys. 100, (22) 3483 (2002),
Analysis of the ν3 + ν7 combination band of CF2Cl2 from spectra obtained by
high resolution diode laser and FTIR-supersonic jet techniques
G. D'Amico, M. Snels, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack
Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 4, 1531 - 1536 (2002),
see also Proc. 17th Coll. High Resol. Mol. Spectrosc.
Papendal-Arnhem (Nijmegen Sept. 2001, ed. by L. Meerts, ISBN 90-3730 5881)
High resolution spectroscopy of the ν3 band of WF6 and ReF6 in a supersonic jet
V. Boudon, M. Rotger, Y. He, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack and U. Schmitt
J. Chem. Phys 117, 3196 - 3207 (2002),
Spectroscopy and dynamics of the isolated sp2 CH chromophore in
trideuteroacetaldehyde CD3CHO as derived from extrapolated SDCI
ab initio calculations
T.K. Ha, M. Quack, J. Stohner,
Mol. Phys. 100, 1797 - 1805 (2002),
Important is Parity Violation for Molecular and Biomolecular Chirality?
M. Quack
Angewandte Chemie 114, 4812 - 4825 (2002),
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
English 41, 4618 - 4630 (2002),
a) Fundamental Symmetry Principles in Relation to the Physical-Chemical Foundations of Molecular Chirality and Possible Biological Consequences
M. Quack
Lecture Notes in "Seventh College on Biophysics" (Structure and Function of Biopolymers, Experimental and Theoretical Techniques), 4 - 29 March 1996, UNESCO
and International Centre for Theoretical Physics, preprint H4.SMR/916-27, distributed and printed by ICTCP Trieste, Italy, March 1996
Nonlinear intensity dependence in the infrared multiphoton excitation and
dissociation of methanol pre-excited to different energies
O.V. Boyarkin, T. R. Rizzo, D.S. Rueda, M. Quack and G. Seyfang
J. Chem. Phys. 117, 9793 - 9805 (2002),

Tunneling dynamics of the NH chromophore in NHD2 during and after
coherent infrared excitation
R. Marquardt, M. Quack, I. Thanopulos, and D. Luckhaus
J. Chem. Phys. 118, 643-658 (2003),
Molecular spectra, reaction dynamics, symmetries and life (Paracelsus Prize
M. Quack,
Chimia, 57, 147 - 160 (2003)
(dedicated to J. D. Dunitz),
Theory of stereomutation dynamics and parity violation in hydrogen
thioperoxide isotopomers 1,2,3HSO1,2,3H
M. Quack and M. Willeke, Helv. Chim. Acta, 86, 1641 - 1652 (2003)
(dedicated to Jack D. Dunitz),
initio calculation of mode selective tunneling dynamics in 12CH3OH
and 13CH3OH
B. Fehrensen, D. Luckhaus, M. Quack, M. Willeke, and T. R. Rizzo
J. Chem. Phys. 119, 5534 - 5544 (2003)
(dedicated to D. Seebach),
NH and ND stretching fundamentals of 14ND2H
M. Snels, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack
J. Chem. Phys. 119, 7893 - 7902 (2003),
(dedicated to Konrad G. Weil),
Isotopomer-selective overtone spectroscopy of jet-cooled benzene by ionization detected IR + UV double resonance:
The N=2 CH-chromophore absorption of 12C6H6 and 13C12C5H6near 6000 cm-1
M. Hippler, R. Pfab, M. Quack,
J. Phys. Chem. 107, 10743 - 10752 (2003),
see also Proc. 18th Coll. High Resol. Mol. Spectroscopy, Dijon 2003, paper
D14, p. 118
Von den "unmessbar schnellen" chemischen Reaktionen zur Bestimmung
ultrakurzer Zeiten für chemische Primärprozesse
M. Quack,
Akademie-Journal der Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
(Themenschwerpunkt Chemie) 1, 38 - 44 (2003)
global electric dipole function of ammonia and its isotopomers in the
electronic ground state
R. Marquardt, M. Quack, I. Thanopulos, D. Luckhaus
J. Chem. Phys. 119, 10724 - 10732 (2003),
Combined multidimensional anharmonic resonances and parity violation in CDBrClF
M. Quack and J. Stohner
J. Chem. Phys. 119, 11228 - 11240 (2003),
see also Proc. 18th Coll. High Resol. Mol. Spectroscopy, Dijon
2003, paper J13, p. 287
Parity violating potentials for the torsional motion of methanol and its
isotopomers (CH3OH, CD3OH, 13CD3OH,
R. Berger, M. Quack, A. Sieben, and M. Willeke
Helv. Chim. Acta, 86, 4048 - 4060 (2003),
Physical Methods for Molecular and Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics,
Meeting Report, Spring Meeting 2003 of the Swiss Chemical Society, A
Symposium in honour of Prof. Richard R. Ernst and Prof. Jack Dunitz
K. Albert Keppler, S. Albert, M. Gottselig, M. Hippler, H. Hollenstein, L.
Oeltjen, M. Quack, G. Seyfang, A. Sieben, J. Stohner, M. Willeke
Chimia, 57, 659 - 666 (2003),
Very high resolution studies of chiral molecules with a Bruker IFS
120 HR: the rovibrational spectrum of CDBrClF in the range 600 - 2300 cm-1
S. Albert, K. K. Albert, M. Quack,
Trends in Optics and Photonics (TOPS) 84, 177 - 180 (2003), (Optical
Society of America, Washington DC, ISBN 1-55752-744-X),
Mode-selective stereomutation tunneling as compared to parity
violation in hydrogen diselenide isotopomers 1,2,3H280Se2
M. Gottselig, M. Quack, and M. Willeke
Israel Journal of Chemistry, 43, 353 - 363 (2003),

Mode-selective stereomutation tunneling and parity violation in HOClH+
and H2Te2 isotopomers
M. Gottselig, M. Quack, J. Stohner, M. Willeke,
Int. J. Mass Spectrometry 233, 373 - 384 (2004),
Global analytical potential hypersurface for large amplitude nuclear
motion and reactions in methane. II. Characteristic properties of the
potential and comparison to other potentials and experimental information
R. Marquardt, M. Quack
J. Phys. Chem. A 108, 3166 - 3181 (2004),
Rovibrational analysis of the ν4 and ν5 + ν9
bands of CHCl2F
S. Albert, K. K. Albert, and M. Quack
J. Mol. Struct. 695 - 696, 385 - 394 (2004),(dedicated to Manfred Winnewisser and Brenda Winnewisser)
Theoretical Chemistry: Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Editorial
and Review, 39th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, 28 September to 2
October, 2003, Gwatt, Lake Thun, Switzerland
F. Mariotti, M. Quack, M. Willeke, J. Stohner
Chimia, 58, 263 - 275 (2004),
Ab initio calculation of parity violating potential energy
hypersurfaces of chiral molecules
A. Bakasov, R. Berger, T. K. Ha, M. Quack
Int. J. Quantum Chem. 99, 393 - 407 (2004)
(dedicated to Hans Bürger)
Femtosecond Intramolecular Dynamics After Near-IR Excitation of CH3I,
C2H5I, CF3CHFI, and C7H8
Molecules in the Gas Phase and in Solution.
V. Krylov, M. Nikitchenko, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang, Proc. SPIE Vol. 5337,
pages 178-189 (Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials,
Devices and Applications III, ed. by K. L. Schepler and D. D. Lowenthal,
SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2004),
Doppler-limited FTIR spectrum of the ν3(a')/ ν8(a'')
Coriolis resonance dyad of CHClF2: Analysis and comparison with
ab initio calculations
S. Albert, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack, M. Willeke
Mol. Phys. 102, 1671 - 1686 (2004)
see also Proc. 18th Coll. High Resol. Mol. Spectroscopy, Dijon
2003, p. 87
and Foreword Eighteenth Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular
Spectroscopy, Dijon 2003, Hubert Berger, Gianfranco ,, Jean-Marie
Flaud, Frédéric Merkt and Martin Quack
Phys. 102, (14-15) 1499 (2004),
Zeit und Zeitumkehrsymmetrie in der molekularen Kinetik
M. Quack
Schriftliche Fassung des Vortrages am 7. Symposium der Deutschen Akademien
der Wissenschaften, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Berlin, 31.10. und 1.11.2002, "Zeithorizonte in der Wissenschaft",
Herausgeber Dieter Simon, Seiten 125 - 180, De Gruyter, Berlin (2004), ISBN
Time and Time Reversal Symmetry in Quantum Chemical Kinetics
M. Quack,
in "Fundamental World of Quantum Chemistry. A Tribute to the Memory of Per-Olov
Löwdin", edited by E. J. Brändas and E. S. Kryachko, Vol. 3, pages 423 - 474
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2004, ISBN:94-017-0448-1 ),

Global Analytical Potential Energy Surface for Large Amplitude Nuclear
Motions in Ammonia
R. Marquardt, K. Sagui, W. Klopper and M. Quack
J. Phys. Chem. B
8439 - 8451 (2005),
Isotopic chirality and molecular parity violation
R. Berger, G. Laubender, M. Quack, A. Sieben, J. Stohner, M. Willeke
Angew. Chemie 117, 3689 - 3693 (2005),
Angew. Chemie Intl. Ed. (Engl.) 44, 3623 - 3626 (2005),
see also A. Sieben, R. Berger, M. Quack, and M. Willeke, Proc. 18th
Coll. High Resol. Mol. Spectroscopy, Dijon 2003, paper F4, p.161
High resolution Fourier transform spectroscopy of CH2D2
in the region 2350 - 2650 cm‑1: The bands
O. N. Ulenikov, E. S. Bekhtereva, S. V. Grebneva, H. Hollenstein, and M.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 7, 1142 - 1150 (2005),
see also Proc. 18th Coll. High Resol. Mol. Spectroscopy, Dijon
2003, paper H38, p. 261
Parity violation in chiral molecules
M. Quack, J. Stohner
Chimia, 59, 530 - 538 (2005),
Steps Towards Molecular Parity Violation in Axially Chiral Molecules:
(I) Theory for Allene and 1,3-Difluoroallene
M. Gottselig, M. Quack
J. Chem. Phys. 123, 84305-1 - 84305-11 (2005),
Modelle in der Chemie
Martin Quack
in "Modelle des Denkens", Streitgespräch in der Wissenschaftlichen Sitzung
der Versammlung der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am
12. Dezember 2003, Debatte Heft 2, Seite 21-33, Herausgeber W. Simon,
Präsident der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin,
Isotope Selective Infrared Spectroscopy and Intramolecular Dynamics
M. Hippler and M. Quack,
Chapter 11 in "Isotope Effects
in Chemistry and Biology, Part III Isotope Effects in Chemical Dynamics",
pages 305 - 359, Ed. Amnon Kohen and Hans-Heinrich Limbach, Marcel Dekker
Inc., New York 2005, ISBN:9780429116131
Paritätsverletzung in Molekülen und die physikalisch-chemischen Grundlagen der Chiralität. Trendbericht Physikalische Chemie 2005.
M. Quack and J. Stohner.
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 54(3):282 – 284, 2006.
285. Electroweak quantum chemistry and the dynamics of parity violation in chiral molecules. M. Quack. In Kevin J. , John Brady, Martin J. Field, Jiali Gao, and Michael Hann, editors, Modelling Molecular Structure and Reactivity in Biological Systems, Proc. 7th WATOC Congress, Cape Town January 2005, pages 3 – 38. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2006,
286. Stereomutation tunneling switching dynamics and parity violation in chlorineperoxide Cl-O-O-Cl. M. Quack and M. Willeke. J. Phys. Chem. A, 110(9):3338 – 3348, 2006.
(part of the special issue Jürgen Troe)
see also:
Jürgen Troe - An Appreciation
H.Hippler, K.Luther, and M. Quack
J. Phys.Chem. A 237: 143 - 148, 2006, (doi:10.1021/jp068004z)
287. The NH and ND stretching fundamentals of 14NH2D. M. Snels, H. Hollenstein, and M. Quack. J. Mol. Spectrosc., 237(2):143 – 148, 2006. (doi:10.1016/j.jms.2006.03.006)
288. Intramolecular primary processes: Recent results and new questions. M. Quack. In V. Grill and T. D. Märk, editors, Contributions, 15th Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics and Related Topics, Obergurgl, Österreich, 4. - 9.2.2006, Conference Series, pages 81 – 85. Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, 2006.
289. Recent results on parity violation in chiral molecules:camphor and the influence of molecular parity violation. J. Stohner and M. Quack. In V. Grill and T. D. Märk, editors, Contributions, 15th Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics and Related Topics, Obergurgl, Österreich, 4. - 9.2.2006, pages 196 – 199. Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, 2006.
290. High resolution infrared spectroscopy of aromatic compounds. S. Albert and M. Quack. In V. Grill and T. D. Märk, editors, Contributions, 15th Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics and Related Topics, Obergurgl, Österreich, 4. - 9.2.2006, pages 213 – 216. Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, 2006.
291. Ultrafast redistribution of vibrational energy after overtone excitation of CH3I - three different time scales. V. Krylov, E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang. In V. Grill and T. D. Märk, editors, Contributions, 15th Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics and Related Topics, Obergurgl, Österreich, 4. - 9.2.2006, Conference Series, pages 229 – 232. Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, 2006.
292. Rovibrational analysis of the ν4 ,2ν6 fermi resonance band of CH35ClF2 by means of a polyad hamiltonian involving the vibrational levels ν4, 2ν6, ν6+ν9 and 2ν9, and comparison with ab initio calculations. S. Albert, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack, and M. Willeke. Mol. Phys., 104(16-17), 2719 – 2735, 2006,
see also Foreword:
Nineteenth colloquium on high resolution molecular spectroscopy Salamanca 11 - 16 September 2005
G. Di Lonardo, R. Escribano, J.-M. Flaud, F. Merkt, and M. Quack
Mol. Phys. 104: 2579-2580, 2006, (doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/00268970600879663)
293. Theory and molecular spectroscopy of the parity violating electroweak interaction: Signatures in rovibrational spectra of polyatomic molecules. J. Stohner and M. Quack. In Theodore Simos and George Maroulis, editors, Recent Progress in Computational Sciences and Engineering (Lectures presented at the International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2006 (ICCMSE 2006), Chania, Crete, Greece), volume 7B of Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences, pages 968–972. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, 2006, ISBN: 0-429-07065-9)
see also:
Beitrag der Spektroskopie zur Untersuchung von Spurengasen in der Atmosphäre
J. Stohner, A. Amrein, and M. Quack
zhwinfo 17 (Nr. 16, Mai 2003), 26 - 29
294. Mode selective tunneling dynamics observed by high resolution spectroscopy of the bending fundamentals of 14NH2D and 14ND2H. M. Snels, H. Hollenstein, and M. Quack. J. Chem. Phys., 125(19):194319, 2006. (doi:10.1063/1.2366704)
High-resolution rovibrational analysis of vibrational states of A2 symmetry of the dideuterated methane CH2D2: the levels ν5 and ν7 + ν9. O. N. Ulenikov, E. S. Bekhtereva, S. V. Grebneva, H. Hollenstein, and M. Quack Mol. Phys.,
104, 3371-3386, 2006.
296. V. Krylov, A. Kushnarenko, E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang. High sensitivity femtosecond gas phase pump-probe experiments using a hollow waveguide: intramolecular redistribution processes in CH3I. In Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6460. poster report at conference: Photonics West 2007, Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers VII, San Jose, CA, USA, 21 January, 2007), pages 64601D–1. 2007.
297. Rovibrational analysis of the 2ν3, 3ν3 and ν1 bands of CHCl2F measured at 170 and 298 K by high-resolution FTIR spectroscopy. S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, M. Quack, and A. Steinlin. Mol. Phys., 105:541–558, 200,
298. High resolution rovibrational spectroscopy of chiral and aromatic compounds. S. Albert and M. Quack. ChemPhysChem., 8:1271 – 1281, 2007. (doi:10.1002/cphc.200700018)
299. High resolution rovibrational spectroscopy of pyrimidine. Analysis of the B1 modes ν10b and ν4 and the B2 mode ν6b. S. Albert and M. Quack. J. Mol. Spectrosc., 243:280 – 291, 2007. (doi:10.1016/j.jms.2007.04.009)
300. E. R. Cohen, T. Cvitas, J. G. Frey, B. Holmström, K. Kuchitsu, R. Marquardt, I. Mills, F. Pavese, M. Quack, J. Stohner, H. L. Strauss, M. Takami, and A. Thor. Quantities, Units and Symbols in physical chemistry, Third edition, 2007 (ISBN: 1-84755-788-0).
301. Spectroscopic properties of trichlorofluoromethane CCl3F calculated by density functional theory. O. A. von Lilienfeld, C. Léonard, N. C. Handy, S. Carter, M. Willeke, and M. Quack. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 9(36):5027 – 5035, 2007. (doi:10.1039/b704995a)
302. Naturwissenschaften! Warum überhaupt? Warum nicht?. M. Quack. In Hirzel Verlag, editor, Dynamisches Denken und Handeln, pages 65–78. Theodor Leiber Herausgeber, Festschrift für Klaus Mainzer, Stuttgart, 2007 ( ISBN: 9783777615394).
303. Stereomutation dynamics in hydrogen peroxide. B. Fehrensen, D. Luckhaus, and M. Quack. Chem. Phys., 338:90 – 105, 2007. (doi:10.1016/j.chemphys.2007.06.012)
(dedicated to Jörn Manz)
304. High resolution FTIR and diode laser supersonic jet spectroscopy of the N=2 HF-stretching polyad in (HF)2 and (HFDF): Hydrogen bond switching and predissociation dynamics. Y. B. He, H. B. Müller, M. Quack, and M. A. Suhm. Z. Phys. Chem., 221:1581 – 1645, 2007. (doi:10.1524/zpch.2007.221.11-12.1581)
305. High-resolution continuous-wave-diode laser cavity ring-down spectroscopy of the hydrogen fluoride dimer in a pulsed slit jet expansion: Two components of the N = 2 triad near 1.3 μm. M. Hippler, M. Oeltjen, and M. Quack. J. Phys. Chem. A, 111:12659 – 12668, 2007. (doi:10.1021/jp076894s)
(dedicated to Giacinto Scoles)
306. Recent results in quantum chemical kinetics from high resolution spectroscopy. M. Quack. In AIP Conference Proceedings, editor, Computation in modern science and engineering, Proceedings of the international conference on computational methods in science and engineering 2007 (ICCMSE 2007), volume 2, pages 245 – 248. Th. E. Simos, G. Maroulis, 2007.
High-resolution spectroscopic studies and theory of parity violation in chiral molecules.
M. Quack, J. Stohner, and M. Willeke. Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., 59:741 – 769, 2008,
CHBrIF and molecular parity violation: First high resolution rovibrational analysis of the CF-stretching mode.
S. Albert, K. K. Albert, S. Bauerecker, and M. Quack.
In R. D. Beck, M. Drabbels, and T. R. Rizzo, editors, Contributions, 16th Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics and Related Topics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 20. - 25.1.2008, pages 79 – 82. Innsbruck University Press, ISBN 978-902571-31-1, Innsbruck, 2008.
Analysis of the CH-chromophore spectra and dynamics in dideutero-methyliodide CHD2I. V. Horká, M. Quack, and M. Willeke.
Mol. Phys., 106(9-10):1303 – 1316, 2008.
See also:
Vibrational spectra and ab initio calculations for the study of intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution in the CH-chromophore in CHD2I.
V. Horká, M. Quack, and M. Willeke.
In R. D. Beck, M. Drabbels, and T. R. Rizzo, editors, Contributions, 16th Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics and Related Topics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 20. - 25.1.2008, pages 137 – 140. Innsbruck University Press, ISBN 978-902571-31-1, Innsbruck, 2008.
See also:
Twentieth colloquium on high resolution molecular spectroscopy - Dijon, 3 to 7 september 2007 - foreword.
V. Boudon, G. Di lonardo, J. M. Flaud, M. Quack, and T. Softley. Mol. Phys., 106(9-10):1125 – 1126, 2008,
Intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution in CH2XCCH (X = Cl, Br, I) measured by femtosecond pump-probe experiments. A. Kushnarenko, E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang.
In R. D. Beck, M. Drabbels, and T. R. Rizzo, editors, Contributions, 16th Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics and Related Topics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 20. - 25.1.2008, pages 149 – 152. Innsbruck University Press, ISBN 978-902571-31-1, Innsbruck, 2008.
Dynamics in the hydrogen bonded systems (HF)2 and HF-DF studied by means of cw-CRD spectroscopy.
C. Manca and M. Quack.
In R. D. Beck, M. Drabbels, and T. R. Rizzo, editors, Contributions, 16th Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics and Related Topics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 20. - 25.1.2008, pages 170 – 173. Innsbruck University Press, ISBN 978-902571-31-1, Innsbruck, 2008.
Fundamental and first overtone spectra of the CH-stretching vibration of 12C6HD5 and of 13C12C5HD5 measured by the ISOS method.
E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang.
In R. D. Beck, M. Drabbels, and T. R. Rizzo, editors, Contributions, 16th Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics and Related Topics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 20. - 25.1.2008, pages 184 – 187. Innsbruck University Press, ISBN 978-902571-31-1, Innsbruck, 2008.
Global analysis of the infrared spectrum of 13CH4: Lines in the region 0 to 3200 cm-1.
H.-M. Niederer, and S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, V. Boudon, J. P. Champion, and M. Quack. Chimia, 62(4):273 – 276, 2008.
(Swiss Chemical Society prize paper), (doi:10.2533/chimia.2008.273)
Ab initio study of some persistent nitroxide radicals.
L. Horny, F. Mariotti, and M. Quack. Chimia, 62(4):256 –259, 2008.
(Swiss Chemical Society prize paper),
Vibrational predissociation in hydrogen obnded dimers: the case of (HF)2 and its isotopomers.
C. Manca, M. Quack, and M. Willeke. Chimia, 62(4):235 – 239, 2008,
(Mettler Toledo award paper),
Global analysis of the high resolution infrared spectrum of methane 12CH4 in the region from 0 to 4800 cm-1.
S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, V. Boudon, L. R. Brown, J. P. Champion, M. Loete, A. Nikitin, and M. Quack. Chem. Phys., 356(1-3):131 – 146, 2009,
317. Education About the Use of Quantities, Units and Symbols in Chemistry: The Earlier the Better
J. Stohner and M. Quack
in "Chemistry Education in the ICT Age" (Eds.: M. Gupta-Bhowon, S. JhaumeerLaulloo, H. Li Kam Wah, P. Ramasami), Springer Science (2009), 978-1-4020-9731-7
(print), 978-1-4020-9732-4 (Online), Chapt. 31, 339 - 344.
318. Intramolecular Vibrational Energy Redistribution Measured by Femtosecond PumpProbe Experiments in a Hollow Waveguide
A. Kushnarenko, V. Krylov, E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang
in "Ultrafast Phenomena XVI", Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conf. on Ultrafast Phenomena, Stresa, Italia, June 2008, pages. 349-351 (2009),
(P. Corkum, S. De Silvestri, K. Nelson, E. Riedle, R. Schoenlein Eds.), Springer Series in Chemical
Physics, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-540-95945-8,
319. High Resolution Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Vibrational Dynamics of Dideuteromethane (CH2D2)
O. N. Ulenikov, E. S. Bekhtereva, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, H. Hollenstein, and M. Quack
J. Phys. Chem. A. 113, 2218-2231 (2009)
A Concise Summary of Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry
J. Stohner and M. Quack,
Intern. Union Pure Appl. Chem., Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge,
ISBN 978-1-84973-039-6 (2009)
see also:
A Concise Summary of Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry. Japanese Translation
J. Stohner and M. Quack,
IUPAC and National Metrology Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology and
the Chemical Society of Japan (2009) (booklet with 12 pages No. 63-3292-6161), www.chemistry.or.jp
321. Parity and Nuclear Spin Symmetry: Their Conservation and Violation in Intramolecular Dynamics
M. Quack,
In Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP 2010), 24.01-29.01.2010, I. Milewski, A. Kendl and P. Scheier Editors, Innsbruck University Press (IUP), ISBN 978-3-902719-52-2, pages 44 - 48 (2010) 322. Synchrotron-Based High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Naphtalene (C10H8): Rovibrational Analysis of the ν46 Band S. Albert, K. Keppler Albert, Ph. Lerch, and M. Quack, In Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface
Physics (SASP 2010), 24.01-29.01.2010, I. Milewski, A. Kendl and P.
Scheier Editors, Innsbruck University Press (IUP), ISBN 978-3-902719-52-2, pages 134 - 137 (2010)
323. Cavity enhanced saturation spectroscopy of NH3 in the near infrared
P. Dietiker, M. Quack, A. Schneider, G. Seyfang, and F. Ünlü,
In Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP 2010), 24.01-29.01.2010, I. Milewski, A. Kendl and P.
Scheier Editors, Innsbruck University Press (IUP), ISBN 978-3-902719-52-2, pages 161 - 164 (2010)
324. Supersonic Jet Isotope Selective Infrared Spectroscopy of the Second Overtone Polyad of the
NH-Stretching Vibration in C6H5NH2, C6D5NH2
and C6H5NDH
E. Miloglyadov, A. Kulik, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang,
In Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP 2010), 24.01-29.01.2010, I. Milewski, A. Kendl and P.
Scheier Editors, Innsbruck University Press (IUP), ISBN 978-3-902719-52-2, pages 216 - 219 (2010)
325. CH Stretching Overtone Spectra of 12CH3I and 12CHD2I
Measured by NIR-Pump UV -Probe Experiments
E. Miloglyadov, V. Krylov, A. Kushnarenko, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang,
In Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP 2010), 24.01-29.01.2010, I. Milewski, A. Kendl and P.
Scheier Editors, Innsbruck University Press (IUP), ISBN 978-3-902719-52-2, pages 220 - 223 (2010)
326. Rotational Line Shifts due to Parity Violation in Chiral Molecules
J. Stohner and M. Quack,
In Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP 2010), 24.01-29.01.2010, I. Milewski, A. Kendl and P.
Scheier Editors, Innsbruck University Press (IUP), ISBN 978-3-902719-52-2, pages 249 - 253 (2010)
327. Cavity Ring-Down (CRD) Spectrum of the ν2+2ν3 Subband of CH4 in a
Supersonic Expansion Below 40 K
M. Suter, C. Manca Tanner, and M. Quack,
In Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP 2010), 24.01-29.01.2010, I. Milewski, A. Kendl and P.
Scheier Editors, Innsbruck University Press (IUP), ISBN 978-3-902719-52-2, pages 254 - 257 (2010)
328. High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy and Global Vibrational Analysis for the CH3D and CHD3
Isotopomers of Methane
O.N. Ulenikov, E.S. Bekhtereva, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, H. Hollenstein, and M. Quack,
Mol. Phys., 108, 1209 - 1240 (2010),\
329. High resolution spectrum and rovibrational analysis of the ν1 CH-stretching fundamental in CHD2I
S. Albert, C. Manca Tanner, and M. Quack,
Mol. Phys. 108, 2403 - 2426 (2010),
330. Preface of Handbook of High-Resolution Spectroscopy
Frédéric , and Martin Quack,
M. Quack, and F. Merkt editors, Wiley, Chichester, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-06653-9, Vol. 1, pages XV - XVI (2011)
331. Molecular Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Spectra, Molecular Symmetry, and Interaction of Matter with Radiation
F. Merkt, and M. Quack,
in "Handbook of High-Resolution Spectroscopy", Vol. 1, chapter 1, pages 1-55, M. Quack, and F.
Merkt, Eds. Wiley Chichester, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-06653-9 (2011),
332. Fundamentals of Rotation-Vibration Spectra
S. Albert, K. Keppler Albert, H. Hollenstein, C. Manca Tanner, M. Quack,
in "Handbook of High-Resolution Spectroscopy", Vol. 1, chapter 3, pages 117-173, M. Quack, and F.
Merkt, Eds. Wiley Chichester, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-06653-9 (2011),
333. Conventions, Symbols, Quantities, Units and Constants for High Resolution Molecularn Spectroscopy
J. Stohner, M. Quack,
in "Handbook of High-Resolution Spectroscopy", Vol. 1, chapter 5, pages 263-324, M. Quack, and F.
Merkt, Eds. Wiley Chichester, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-06653-9 (2011),
334. Global Analytical Potential Energy Surfaces for High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy and Reaction Dynamics
R. Marquardt, M. Quack,
in "Handbook of High-Resolution Spectroscopy", Vol. 1, chapter 12, pages 511-549, M. Quack, and F.
Merkt, Eds. Wiley Chichester, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-06653-9 (2011),
335. Fundamental Symmetries and Symmetry Violations from High Resolution Spectroscopy
M. Quack,
in "Handbook of High-Resolution Spectroscopy", Vol. 1, chapter 18, pages 659-722, M. Quack, and F.
Merkt, Eds. Wiley Chichester, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-06653-9 (2011),
336. High Resolution Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy,
S. Albert, K. Keppler Albert, M. Quack,
in "Handbook of High-Resolution
Spectroscopy", Vol. 2, chapter 26, pages 965-1019, M. Quack, and F.
Merkt, Eds. Wiley Chichester, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-06653-9 (2011),
337. High Resolution FTIR and Diode Laser Spectroscopy of Supersonic Jets
M. Snels, V. Horká-Zelenková, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack,
in "Handbook of High-Resolution Spectroscopy", Vol. 2, chapter 27, pages 1021-1067, M. Quack, and F.
Merkt, Eds. Wiley Chichester, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-06653-9 (2011),
338. Mass and Isotope Selective Infrared Specroscopy
M. Hippler, E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang,
in "Handbook of High-Resolution Spectroscopy", Vol. 2, chapter 28, pages 1069-1118, M. Quack, and F.
Merkt, Eds. Wiley Chichester, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-06653-9 (2011),
339. Synchrotron-based highest resolution Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of naphthalene (C10H8)
and indole (C8H7N) and application to astrophysicaL problems
S. Albert, K. Keppler Albert, P. Lerch, M. Quack,
Faraday Disc. 150, 71 - 99 (2011)
>340. Frontiers in Spectroscopy (Concluding Paper to Faraday Discussion 150)
M. Quack
Faraday Disc. 150, 533-565 (2011)
341. Contributions to the discussion on Frontiers in Spectroscopy
a) On parity violating frequency shifts
J. Stohner, and M. Quack
Faraday Disc. 150, 113 - 114 and 117 - 118 (2011)
b) On nuclear spin symmetry relaxation in supersonic jets of H2O
C. Manca Tanner, M. Quack, and D. Schmidiger
Faraday Disc. 150, 118 - 122 (2011)
c) On experiments to detect parity violation in chiral molecules
M. Quack
Faraday Disc. 150, 123 - 127 (2011)
d) On nuclear spin symmetry conservation in methane
H. M. Niederer, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, V. Boudon, G. Seyfang, and M. Quack
Faraday Disc. 150, 128 - 130 (2011)
e) On tunneling and parity violation in ClOOCl
R. Prentner, M. Quack, and J. Stohner
Faraday Disc. 150, 130 - 132 (2011)
f) Discussion replies on synchrotron based high resolution Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
S. Albert, K. K. Albert, P. Lerch, and M. Quack
Faraday Disc. 150, 146 - 151 (2011)
g) On coupled cluster calculations of parity violating potentials in chiral molecules
L. Horný, and M. Quack
Faraday Disc. 150, 152 - 154 (2011)
h) On isotope selective infrared spectroscopy and tunneling in substituted aniline derivatives
E. M. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang
Faraday Disc. 150, 277 - 278 (2011)
i) On observing line resolved spectra in molecules showing ultrafast intramolecular processes
M. Quack
Faraday Disc. 150, 397 - 398 (2011)
j) On a general approach describing potentials for hydrogen bonded complexes (HF)n and similar cases
M. Quack
Faraday Disc. 150, 413 - 414 (2011)
k) On the high resolution FTIR spectroscopy of phenol and torsional tunneling
S. Albert, K. K. Albert, P. Lerch, and M. Quack
Faraday Disc. 150, 517 - 519 (2011)
l) On femtosecond pump probe experiments inbichromophoric acetylenic compounds
A. Kushnarenko, E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, and G. Seyfang
Faraday Disc. 150, 520 - 521 (2011)
342. Die Asymmetrie des Lebens und die Symmetrieverletzungen der Physik: Molekulare Paritätsverletzung und Chiralität
M. Quack
in "Moleküle aus dem All ?", Katharina Al-Shamery und Uta Neubauer Hrsg., Wiley VCH, Weinheim, Kapitel 12,
pages 277 - 310 (2011), ISBN:9783527328772,
(Nach einem Vortrag "Paritätsverletzung und Chiralität" auf der Tagung "Chemische Evolution",
Manfred-Eigen-Nachwuchswissenschaftler-Gespräche Delmenhorst, 4.-6. Februar 2009)
343. Naturwissenschaften! Warum überhaupt? Warum nicht?
M. Quack
Bulletin der Vereinigung der Schweizerischen Hochschuldozierenden VSH/AEU 37, 7-14 (2011),
zweiter, neu bearbeiteter Essay mit Nachdruck der Doktoratsfeierrede 2004. ISSN 1663-9898
344. Die DBG in Bunsens Jubiläumsjahr
M. Quack
Bunsenmagazin 13, 1-2 (2011)
345. Wann wurde Robert Wilhelm Bunsen geboren?
M. Quack
Bunsenmagazin 13, 56-57 (2011)
346. Rede des Ersten Vorsitzenden anlässlich der 110. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen
Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie in Berlin, 2. Juni 2011 (im Druck publizierte Fassung)
M. Quack
Bunsenmagazin 13, 138-143 (2011)
347. Naturwissenschaften! Warum überhaupt? Warum nicht?
M. Quack
in "Gegenworte", Hefte für den Disput über Wissen, 26, 28 - 35 (2011)
Dritter, neubearbeiteter Essay mit gekürztem Nachdruck der Doktoratsfeierrede 2004, ISSN 1435-571X
(Herausgegeben von der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)
348. Highest resolution Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules with
and without synchrotron radiation
S. Albert, K. Keppler Albert, P. Lerch, M. Quack
in "Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2012 (SASP 2012)", Alpe d'Huez, France,
22 to 27 January 2012, pages 86 - 89, (Marius Lewerenz, Odile Dutuit, and Roberto Marquardt eds., Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, 2012), ISBN 978-3-902811-42-4.
349. Inversion tunneling in normal and substituted anilines from infrared spectroscopy and quasiadiabatic
channel reaction path Hamiltonian calculations
E. Miloglyadov, R. Prentner, G. Seyfang, and M. Quack
in "Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2012 (SASP 2012)", Alpe d'Huez, France,
22 to 27 January 2012, pages 234 - 237, (Marius Lewerenz, Odile Dutuit, and Roberto Marquardt eds., Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, 2012), ISBN 978-3-902811-42-4.
350. IR-laser induced population transfer from highly populated rotational levels of NH3 in a molecular beam
P. Dietiker, M. Quack, A. Schneider, G. Seyfang, and F. Ünlü
in "Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2012 (SASP 2012)", Alpe d'Huez, France, 2
2 to 27 January 2012, pages 263 - 267, (Marius Lewerenz, Odile Dutuit, and Roberto Marquardt eds., Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, 2012), ISBN 978-3-902811-42-4.
351. Assessing noise sources at synchrotron infrared ports
Ph. Lerch, P. Dumas, T. Schilcher, A. Nadji, A. Luedeke, N. Hubert, L. Cassinari, M. Boege, J.-C. Denard, L. Stingelin,
L. Nadolski, T. Garvey, S. Albert, C. Gough, M. Quack, J. Wambach, M. Dehler and J. M. Filhol,
J. Synchrotron Rad. 19, 1 - 9 (2012),
352. Reinvestigation of the ν2+2ν3 subband in the overtone icosad of 12CH4
using cavity ring-down (CRD) spectroscopy of a supersonic jet expansion
C. Manca Tanner, M. Quack
Mol. Phys. 110, 2111 - 2135 (2012),
` (doi:10.1080/00268976.2012.702934)
see also: Reinvestigation of the overtone icosad of 12CH4 in a supersonic-jet expansion using
cavity ring-down (CRD) spectroscopym
C. Manca Tanner, M. Quack,
in "Proceedings of the 22nd Colloquium on High-Resolution Spectroscopy", Université de Bourgogne, Dijon,
August 29 - September 2, 2011, p. 355, (Ed.: V. Boudon), (2011).
see also Foreword: 22nd Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy Dijon 29 August to 2 September 2012
T. P. Softley V. Boudon, P. De Natale, M. Herman, M. Quack
Mol. Phys. 110, 2001 - 2001 (2012)
353. a) Rede des Ersten Vorsitzenden anlässlich der 111. Hauptversammlung der
Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie in Leipzig, 17. Mai 2012 (im Druck publizierte Fassung)
M. Quack
Bunsen-Magazin 14(5), 181 - 189 (2012)
b) Risiken und Chancen in der Forschungsförderung
(Auszug aus der Rede des 1. Vorsitzenden der Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie, Leipzig Mai 2012)
M. Quack
Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitung 67, 726-730 (2012)
354. Molecular Parity Violation and Chirality: The Asymmetry of Life and the Symmetry Violations of Physics
M. Quack
Chapter 3 in "Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics: Progress in Methods and Applications, Proceedings of QSCP XVI, Kanazawa 11 to 17 September 2011",
Series Title: "Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics", pages 47 - 76, (Kiyoshi Nishikawa; Jean Maruani; Erkki Brändas;
Gerardo Delgado-Barrio; Piotr Piecuch Eds., Springer Verlag 2012), ISBN: 9789400792876
355. Warum Physikalische Chemie?
M. Quack
Bunsen-Magazin 14(6), 225 - 228 (2012)
356. Grössen, Einheiten und Symbole in der Physikalischen Chemie
J. Stohner, M. Quack
Bunsen-Magazin 14(6), 243 - 246 (2012)
(Deutsche Übersetzung von "A Concise Summary of Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry", J. Stohner and M. Quack,
Intern. Union Pure Appl. Chem., Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge 2009, ISBN 978-1-84973-039-6, siehe Nr. 320)
357. Tunneling and tunneling switching dynamics in phenol (C6H5OH) and its isotopomers from high resolution FTIR
spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation in the THz range and theory
S. Albert, Ph. Lerch, R. Prentner and M. Quack
Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. (English) 52, 346-349 (2013),
Angew. Chem. 125, 364-367 (2013),
358. Es gibt nur eine Naturwissenschaft (Interview anlässlich der Verleihung der
August-Wilhelm-von-Hofmann-Denkmünze der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, gedruckte Fassung)
M. Quack mit C. Remenyi
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 61, 30 - 32 (2013),
359. High resolution spectroscopy and first global analysis of the Tetradecad region of methane 12CH4,
A. Nikitin, V. Boudon, C. Wenger, S. Albert, L. Brown, S. Bauerecker, M. Quack,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 10071 - 10093 (2013),
360. Nuclear spin symmetry conservation and relaxation in water (1H216O)
studied by Cavity Ring-Down (CRD) spectroscopy of supersonic jets
C. Manca Tanner, M. Quack, D. Schmidiger,
J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 10105–10118 (2013),
361. Global Analytical Potential Energy Surface for the Electronic Ground State of NH3
from High Level ab Initio Calculations
R. Marquardt, K. Sagui, J. Zheng, W. Thiel, D. Luckhaus, S. Yurchenko, F. Mariotti, M. Quack
J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 7502–7522 (2013),
362. Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics: A Survey
R. Marquardt, M. Quack
in "Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering", Online reference Database Elsevier (2013), CMSE:5402,
363. a) Error and Discovery: Why Repeating can be New
M. Quack Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 9362-9370 (2013),
b) Irrtum und Erkenntnis: Wenn Wiederholen neu ist M. Quack Angew. Chem. 125, 9530-9538 (2013),
364. Synchrotron based rotationally resolved high resolution FTIR spectroscopy of azulene and the
unidentified infrared bands of astronomy
S. Albert, P. Lerch and M. Quack
ChemPhysChem. 14, 3204–3208 (2013),
365. a) Analysis of the rovibrational spectrum of 13CH4 in the Octad range
H.-M. Niederer, X.-G. Wang, T. Carrington Jr, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, V. Boudon, M. Quack
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 291, 33–47 (2013),
b)High-Resolution IR Spectroscopy of 13CH4: The Pentad and the Octad,
S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, V. Boudon, J. P. Champion, H. M. Niederer, and M. Quack,
in "Spectral reference line data for atmospheric monitoring", Proc. of the EUMETRISPEC Workshop, Wolfenbüttel castle and PTB Braunschweig, 15 to 16 Nov
2012, V. Ebert, J. Brunzendorf and V. Werwein (Eds.), PTB-Bericht CP8, Braunschweig (2013), pages 321-322, ISBN 978-3-95606-034-2
366. Methane line parameters in the HITRAN2012 database
L. R. Brown, K. Sung, D. C. Benner, V. M. Devi, V. Boudon, T. Gabard, C. Wenger, A. Campargue, O. Leshchishina, S. Kassi,
D. Mondelain, L. Wang, L. Daumont, L. Régalia, M. Rey, X. Thomas, V. G. Tyuterev, O. M. Lyulin, A. V. Nikitin,
H. M. Niederer, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, M. Quack, J. J. O'Brien, I. E. Gordon, L. S. Rothman, H. Sasada, A. Coustenis,
M. A. H. Smith, T. Carrington Jr, X. G. Wang, A. W. Mantz, P. T. Spickler
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 130, 201–219 (2013),
367. Höchstauflösende FTIR-Spektroskopie. Trendbericht Physikalische Chemie
S. Albert and M. Quack
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 62, 313–318 (2014),
368. Synchrotron based FTIR spectroscopy of the chiral molecules CDBrClF and CHBrIF
S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, K. Keppler, Ph. Lerch and M. Quack
in "Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2014 (SASP 2014), Obergurgl, Austria,
8 to 14 February 2014", 152–155 (2014)
369. Two Photon IR-Laser Induced Population Transfer in NH3 –
First Steps to Measure Parity Violation in Chiral Molecules
P. Dietiker, E. Milogyadov, M. Quack, A. Schneider, G. Seyfang
in "Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2014 (SASP 2014), Obergurgl, Austria,
8 to 14 February 2014", 226–229 (2014)
370. Highest resolution FTIR spectroscopy of indene (C9H8) with synchrotron radiation
S. Albert, Ph. Lerch, M. Quack and A. Wokaun
in "Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2014 (SASP 2014), Obergurgl, Austria,
8 to 14 February 2014", 240–243 (2014)
371. The infrared spectrum of methane up to 12000 cm-1
O. N. Ulenikov, E. S. Bekhtereva, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, H.-M. Niederer, and M. Quack
in "Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2014 (SASP 2014), Obergurgl, Austria,
8 to 14 February 2014", 244–247 (2014)
372. On the "Expanded Local Mode" Approach Applied to the Methane Molecule: Isotopic Substitution
CH3D ← CH4 and CHD3 ← CH4
O. N. Ulenikov, E. S. Bekhtereva, A. L. Fomchenko, A. G. Litvinovskaya, C. Leroy, and M. Quack
Mol. Phys. 112, 2529–2556 (2014),
See also:
Editorial special issue: 23rd Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
T. P. Softley, A. G. Császár, P. de Natale, M. Herman, M. Quack,
Mol. Phys. 112, 2373 (2014),
373. The Concept of Law and Models in Chemistry
M. Quack
European Review 22 (Supplement S1), S50–S86 (2014),
374. On the Emergence of Simple Structures in Complex Phenomena: Concepts and Some Numerical Examples
M. Quack
Adv. Chem. Phys. 157, 97–116 (2014),
375. On Biomolecular Homochirality as a Quasi-Fossil of the Evolution of Life
M. Quack
Adv. Chem. Phys. 157, 249–290 (2014),
376. Myths, Challenges, Risks and Opportunities in Evaluating and Supporting Scientific Research
M. Quack
in "Incentives and performance: Governance of research organizations" (2014), pages 223–239,
I. M. Welpe, J. Wollersheim, S. Ringelhan, and M. Osterloh, M. (Eds.),
Springer International Publishing, Cham, Heidelberg, New York, ISBN 978-3-319-09784-8,
377. a) Walter Thiel zum 65. Geburtstag M.
Bühl and M. Quack Bunsen-Magazin 16, 46–47 (2014)
b) Joachim Sauer zum 65. Geburtstag
M. Sierka and M. Quack
Bunsen Magazin 16, 152–154 (2014)
Survey of the High Resolution Infrared Spectrum of Methane (12CH4 and 13CH4):
Partial Vibrational Assignment Extended Towards 12000 cm-1
O. N. Ulenikov, E. S. Bekhtereva, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, H. M. Niederer, and M. Quack
J. Chem. Phys. 141, 234302 (2014),
379. Fixierte Konstanten: Zur Definition des Mols (mol), der Masseneinheit (kg) und zur Avogadroschen Konstanten NA
J. Stohner, M. Quack
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 63, 515–521 (2015),
380. Computation of Molecular Parity Violation Using the Coupled Cluster Linear Response Approach
L. Horný, M. Quack
Mol. Phys. 113, 1768–1779 (2015)
381. High-resolution rovibrational spectroscopy of fluorobenzene, C6H5F: analysis of the
B1 fundamentals ν4, ν10b, ν17b, the B2
fundamental ν15 and assignment of the A1 levels
ν12, 2ν16a and 2ν18b
S. Albert, K. Keppler, M. Quack
Mol. Phys 113, 2267–2289 (2015),
382. Line shape of amplitude or frequency-modulated spectral profiles including resonator distortions
M. Suter, M. Quack
Applied Optics 54, 4417–4421 (2015),
383. Synchrotron based highest resolution FTIR spectroscopy of chlorobenzene
S. Albert, K. Keppler, P. Lerch, M. Quack, A. Wokaun
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 315, 92–101 (2015),
384. Investigation of the ν2+2ν3 subband in the overtone icosad of
13CH4 by pulsed supersonic jet and diode laser cavity ring-down spectroscopy: partial rovibrational
analysis and nuclear spin symmetry conservation
Z. Bjelobrk, C. Manca Tanner, M. Quack
Z. Phys. Chem. 229, 1575–1607 (2015),
385. Leitartikel "Über Preise der Bunsen-Gesellschaft und Weiteres"
M. Quack
Bunsen-Magazin 17, 165–166 (2015)
Tunneling and Parity Violation in Trisulfane (HSSSH): An Almost Ideal Molecule for Detecting Parity Violation in Chiral Molecules
C. Fábri, L. Horný, M. Quack
ChemPhysChem 16, 3584–3589 (2015),
387. Wavepacket Dynamics of the Axially Chiral Molecule Cl-O-O-Cl under Coherent Radiative
Excitation and Including Parity Violation
R. Prentner, M. Quack, J. Stohner, M. Willeke
J. Phys. Chem. A 119, 12805–12822 (2015),
Über Autonomie und Freiheit der Wissenschaft: Mythen, Risiken und Chancen bei der Evaluation und
Förderung der naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung (Schriftliche Fassung des Vortrages als
Beitrag zur Debatte: "Autonomie der Wissenschaft?", Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Berlin, 28. November 2014)
M. Quack
Debatte BBAW, Heft 14, S. 21–41 (2015), Hrsg: Präsident der BBAW, ISBN: 978-3-939818-62-5
Infrared laser induced population transfer and parity selection in 14NH3:
A proof of principle experiment towards detecting parity violation in chiral molecules
P. Dietiker, E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, A. Schneider, G. Seyfang
J. Chem.Phys. 143, 244305-1–244305-23 (2015),
390. Wie kommt das Neue in die Naturwissenschaft? (Schriftliche Fassung des Vortrages als Beitrag zur Debatte:
"Zuviel Mainstream oder: Wie kommt das Neue in die Wissenschaft?" Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin 15. Juni 2015)
M. Quack
Debatte BBAW, Heft 15, Hrsg: Präsident der BBAW, Heft 15 (2016), 29 - 58, ISBN: 978-3-939818-63-2
391. Molecules and Clusters in Motion: Looking Back and Looking Forward, SASP and Beyond
M. Quack
Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2016 (SASP 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 7 to 12 February 2016, pages 22 - 26 (J. Stohner and Ch. Yeretzian eds., Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, 2016)
392. Intramolecular Vibrational Energy Redistribution in Cyano-Acetylene (HCCCN)
A. Kushnarenko, E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, G. Seyfang
Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2016 (SASP 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 7 to 12 February 2016, pages 109 - 113 (J. Stohner and Ch. Yeretzian eds., Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, 2016)
393a. High resolution GHz and THz (FTIR) spectroscopy and theory of parity violation and tunneling
for 1,2-dithiine (C4H4S2) as a candidate for measuring the parity violating energy
differences between enantiomers of chiral molecules
S. Albert, I. Bolotova, Z. Chen, C. Fábri, L. Horný, M. Quack, G. Seyfang and D. Zindel
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys (PCCP), 18, 21976–21993 (2016),
393b. High resolution GHz and THz (FTIR) spectroscopy and theory of parity violation and tunneling
for 1,2-dithiine (C4H4S2) as a candidate for measuring the parity violating energy
differences between enantiomers of chiral molecules
S. Albert, I. Bolotova, Z. Chen, C. Fábri, L. Horný, M. Quack, G. Seyfang and D. Zindel
Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2016 (SASP 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 7 to 12 February 2016, pages 127 - 130 (J. Stohner and Ch. Yeretzian eds., Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, 2016)
394. Synchrotron-based THz Spectroscopy at the Swiss Light Source
S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, I. Bolotova, Ph. Lerch, M. Quack and A. Wokaun
Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2016 (SASP 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 7 to 12 February 2016, pages 157 - 160 (J. Stohner and Ch. Yeretzian eds., Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, 2016)
395. GHz and synchrotron-based THz spectroscopy of mono deuterated oxirane (c-CH2OCHD)
S. Albert, Z. Chen, Ph. Lerch, K. Keppler, M. Quack, V. Schurig and O. Trapp
Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2016 (SASP 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 7 to 12 February 2016, pages 161 - 164 (J. Stohner and Ch. Yeretzian eds., Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, 2016)
396. THz Spectroscopy of cyano-oxirane (c-C2H3OCN) and methyl oxirane
(c-C2H3OCH3) with synchrotron light
S. Albert, Ph. Lerch, K. Keppler, M. Quack
Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2016 (SASP 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 7 to 12 February 2016, pages 165 - 168 (J. Stohner and Ch. Yeretzian eds., Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, 2016)
397. Tunneling dynamics of aniline studied by synchrotron-based high resolution THz spectroscopy
S. Albert, Ph. Lerch, and M. Quack
Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2016 (SASP 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 7 to 12 February 2016, pages 169 - 172 (J. Stohner and Ch. Yeretzian eds., Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, 2016)
398. Synchrotron-based THz and FTIR spectroscopy of collisionally cooled NF3
I. Bolotova, O. Ulenikov, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, Ph. Lerch, M. Quack, T. Peter and A. Wokaun
Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2016 (SASP 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 7 to 12 February 2016, pages 173 - 176 (J. Stohner and Ch. Yeretzian eds., Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, 2016)
399. High resolution analysis of the FTIR spectra and quantum dynamics of CHF3
I. Bolotova, O. Ulenikov, E. Bekhtereva, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, H. Hollenstein, and M. Quack
Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2016 (SASP 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 7 to 12 February 2016, pages 177 - 181 (J. Stohner and Ch. Yeretzian eds., Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, 2016)
400.a.) Die Spiegelsymmetrie des Raumes und die Chiralität in Chemie, Physik, und in der biologischen Evolution
M. Quack
Nova Acta Leopoldina NF Band, 127, Nr. 412 (2016), pages 119 - 166
b.) Die Spiegelsymmetrie des Raumes und die Chiralität in Chemie, Physik, und in der biologischen Evolution
M. Quack
Nova Acta Leopoldina NF Vorabdruck Band 127, Nr. 412, 19 (2015)
c.) The Reflection Symmetry of Space and Chirality in Chemistry, Physics and in Biological Evolution
M. Quack
Nova Acta Leopoldina NF Vorabdruck Band 127, Nr. 412, 33 (2015)
401. Synchrotron-Based Highest Resolution Terahertz Spectroscopy of the ν24
Band System of 1,2-Dithiine (C4H4S2): A Candidate for Measuring the Parity
Violating Energy Difference between Enantiomers of Chiral Molecules
S. Albert, F. Arn, I. Bolotova, Z. Chen, C. Fábri, G. Grassi, P. Lerch, M. Quack, G. Seyfang, A. Wokaun, D. Zindel,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 3847-3853 (2016),
402. Chlorine peroxide (Cl2O2) and its isomers: structures, spectroscopy,
formation and thermochemistry
L. Horný, M. Quack, H. F. Schaefer, M. Willeke,
Mol. Phys. 114, 1135-1147 (2016),
403. A Combined Gigahertz and Terahertz (FTIR) Spectroscopic Investigation of Meta-D-phenol:
Observation of Tunneling Switching
S. Albert, Z. Chen, C. Fábri, Ph. Lerch, R. Prentner, and M. Quack,
Mol. Phys. 114, 2751-2768 (2016),
404. Eingriffe in der Evaluation und Förderung der naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung
M. Quack
VSH Bulletin Heft 3/4 November 2016 (Vereinigung der schweizerischen Hochschuldozierenden ISSN 1663-9898), Seiten 61 - 69
405. Symmetrie und Asymmetrie in Wissenschaft und Kunst
M. Quack and J.Hacker (Editors)
Nova Acta Leopoldina NF Band 127, Nr. 412 (2016)
(Page 7, preface to book with a total of 275 pages , contributions by several authors in English and German, see also 400)
406. Laudatio auf Jürgen Troe anlässlich der Verleihung des Otto-Hahn-Preises in der Paulskirche, Frankfurt, 24.11.2016,
M. Quack
Bunsen-Magazin 18, 228 - 231 (2016)
407. Leitsätze für eine gute wissenschaftliche Publikationspraxis
M. Quack
Bunsen-Magazin 19, 41 - 43 (2017)
408. Combined synchrotron-based high resolution FTIR and IR-diode laser supersonic jet spectroscopy of the chiral molecule CDBrClF
S. Albert, K. Keppler, V. Boudon, Ph. Lerch, and M. Quack,
J. Mol. Spect. 337, 105-123 (2017),
409. High-resolution FTIR spectroscopy of trisulfane HSSSH: a candidate for detecting parity violation in chiral molecules
S. Albert, I. Bolotova, Z. Chen, C. Fábri, M. Quack, G. Seyfang and D. Zindel,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 11738-11743 (2017),
410. High resolution Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of the ground state, ν3, 2ν3. and ν4 levels of 13CHF3
I.B. Bolotova, O.N. Ulenikov, E.N. Bekhtereva, S. Albert, Z. Chen, H.Hollenstein, D. Zindel and M. Quack
J. Mol. Spect. 337, 96-104 (2017),
411. Isotope effects on the resonance interactions and vibrational quantum dynamics of fluoroform 12,13CHF3
S. Albert, E. Bekhtereva, I. Bolotova, Z. Chen, C. Fábri, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack, and O. Ulenikov,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 26527-26534 (2017),
412. On the use of nonrigid-molecular symmetry in nuclear motion computations employing a discrete variable representation: A case study of the bending energy levels of CH+5
C. Fábri, M. Quack and A. Császár J. Chem. Phys. 147, 134101 (2017),
413. High resolution FTIR Spectroscopy of Fluoroform 12CH3F and critical analysis of the Infrared Spectrum from 25 to 1500 cm-1
S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, E. S. Bekhtereva, I. B. Bolotova, H. Hollenstein, M. Quack, and O. N. Ulenikov
Mol. Phys. 20, 1091-1107 (2018),
414. Full-dimensional Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy of Ammonia Isotopomers,
C. Fábri, R. Marquardt, M. Quack, Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2018 (SASP 2018), Obergurgl, Austria, 11 to 15 February 2018,
Contributionss, pp.176 - 179 (Eds.: M. Beyer, R. Wester, P. Scheier, I. Staud), Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, ISBN 9783903187153 (2018))
415. a) A molecular quantum switch based on tunneling in meta-D-phenol C6H4DOH
C. Fábri, S. Albert, Z. Chen, R. Prentner, and M. Quack
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 7387-7394 (2018)
415.b) A Molecular Quantum Switch Based on Tunneling in Meta-D-phenol C6H4DOH,
C. Fábri, S. Albert, Z. Chen, R. Prentner, M. Quack, Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2018 (SASP 2018), Obergurgl, Austria, 11 to 15 February 2018,
Contributionss, pp.176 - 179 (Eds.: M. Beyer, R. Wester, P. Scheier, I. Staud), Innsbruck University Press (IUP), Innsbruck, ISBN 9783903187153 (2018))
416. Intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution in HCCCH2X (X = Cl, Br, I) measured by femtosecond pump-probe experiments in a hollow waveguide,
A. Kushnarenko, E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, G. Seyfang,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 10949-10959 (2018),
417. Extended analysis of the high resolution FTIR spectrum of 32S16O2 in the region of the ν2 band: Line positions, strengths, and pressure broadening widths
O.N. Ulenikov, E.N. Bekhtereva, O.V. Gromova, M. Quack, G.Ch, Mellau, V. Sydov, and S.Bauerecker
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Trans. 210, 141-155 (2018)
418. High resolution analysis of the FTIR spectra of trifluoroamine NF3,
I. B. Bolotova, O. N. Ulenikov, E. S. Bekhtereva, S. Albert, S. Bauerecker, H. Hollenstein, P. Lerch, M. Quack, T. Peter, G. Seyfang, A. Wokaun,
J. Mol. Spectrosc. 348, 87-102 (2018),
419. Nuclear spin symmetry conservation and relaxation of water (H2O) seeded in supersonic jets of argon and oxygen: measurements by cavity ring-down laser spectroscopy,
C. Manca Tanner, M. Quack, D. Schmidiger,
Mol. Phys. 316, 3718-3730 (2018),
420. Trendbericht Physikalische Chemie 2018: Atomare und molekulare Tunnelprozesse
G. Seyfang and M. Quack Nachrichten aus der Chemie 66, 307-315 (2018),
421. Zur guten Praxis der Evaluation wissenschaftlicher Forschung. Leitartikel zu Statement
by three national academies (Académie des Sciences, Leopoldina and Royal Society) on good practice in the evaluation of researchers and research programmes
M. Quack,
Bunsen-Magazin, 20, 206-212 (2018),
422. Chirality :Symmetries and Asymmetries.Editorial,
M. Quack and J. Stohner
Chimia, 72, A365 (2018)
423. First line strength analysis of 34S16O2 in the ν2 region: Isotopic relations for the dipole moment parameters
O. N. Ulenikov, E. S.Bekhtereva, O. V. Gromova, A. G. Zlatkova, M. Quack, G. Ch. Mellau, C. Sydow, and S. Bauerecker,
J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Trans. 229, 166-178 (2019),
424. The Gigahertz and Terahertz spectrum of monodeuterooxirane (c-C2H3DO),
S. Albert, Z. Chen, K. Keppler, P. Lerch, M. Quack, V. Schurig and O. Trapp,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 3669-3675(2019),
425. Controlling tunneling in ammonia isotopomers,
C. Fábri, R. Marquardt, A. Császár, and M.Quack,
J. Chem. Phys. 150, 014102-1-22 (2019),
426. Quantum dynamics and spectra of the iodine atom in a strong laser field as calculated with the URIMIR package,
R. Marquardt, M. Quack, J. Stohner, and I. Thanopulos,
Mol. Phys. 117, 3132-3147 (2019),
(with 537 pages of supplementary material including URIMIR package FORTRAN code)
427. Nuclear Spin Symmetry Conservation Studied for Symmetric Top Molecules (CH3D, CHD3, CH3F, and CH3Cl) in Supersonic Jet Expansions ,
V. Horká-Zelenková, G. Seyfang, P. Dietiker, and M. Quack,
J. Phys. Chem. A 123, 6160-6174 (2019),
428. Roadmap on STIRAP applications,
K Bergmann, H.-C. Nägerl, C. Panda, G. Gabrielse, E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, G. Seyfang, G. Wichmann,
S. Ospelkaus, A. Kuhn, S. Longhi, A. Szameit, P. Pirro, B. Hillebrands, Xue-Feng Zhu, J. Zhu, M. Drewsen,
W. K. Hensinger, S. Weidt, T. Halfmann, Hai-Lin Wang, G. S. Paraoanu, N. V. Vitanov, J. Mompart, T. Busch,
T. J. Barnum, D. D Grimes, R. W. Field, M. G. Raizen, E. Narevicius, M. Auzinsh, D. Budker, A. Pálffy, and C. H Keitel,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys 52, 202001 (2019),
a)Roadmap on STIRAP applications, Chapter A2.3 Precision experiments for parity violation in chiral molecules: the role of STIRAP,
E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, G. Seyfang, G. Wichmann
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys 52, 202001 (pp 11-13) (2019),
429.a) Die Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie gratuliert Joachim Sauer
(Artikel zum 70. Geburtstag),
F. Merkt and M. Quack,
Bunsen-Magazin 21, 217-218 (2019),
429.b) Die Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie Klaus Funke zum
75. Geburtstag,
J. Maier and M. Quack,
Bunsen-Magazin 21, 238-239 (2019),
430. Chemiegeschichte: 125 Jahre Bunsen-Gesellschaft,
M. Quack,
Narichten aus der Chemie 67(12), 19-23 (2019),
431. Quasi-Periodic Materials - A Paradigm Shift in Crystallography
Lecture by Dan Shechtman at the Annual Symposium 'Symmetry and Asymmetry in Science and Art' with
Vorwort (p. 7 - 8) and English preface (9 - 10)
M. Quack and J. Hacker (eds.),
Nova Acta Leopoldina Neue Folge Supplementum Nr. 34, 5-37 (2019),
432. Tunnelling and Parity Violation in Chiral and Achiral Molecules:
Theory and High Resolution Spectroscopy ,
M. Quack and G. Seyfang,
In Tunnelling in Molecules: Nuclear Quantum Effects from Bio to Physical Chemistry, J. Kästner and S.Kozuch eds.
Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, pp 192-244 (2020),
433. Foundations of Time Dependent Quantum Dynamics of Molecules under
Isolation and in Coherent Electromagnetic Fields,
R.Marquardt and M. Quack,
Chapter 1 in Molecular Spectroscopy and Quantum Dynamics, R. Marquardt and M. Quack (eds.) pp.1-41,
Elsevier, Amsterdam. 1st Edition, 2020, ISBN978-012-817234-6
434. Atomic and Molecular Tunneling Processes in Chemistry,
M. Quack and G. Seyfang,
Chapter 7 in Molecular Spectroscopy and Quantum Dynamics ,R. Marquardt and M. Quack (eds.) pp.231-282,
Elsevier, Amsterdam. 1st Edition, 2020, ISBN978-012-817234-6
435. Molecular Spectroscopy and Quantum Dynamics,
R.Marquardt and M. Quack,
Preface pp.xiii-xvii , book with 9 chapters from several authors, 355pages, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 1st Edition, 2020, ISBN978-012-817234-6
436. Precision Tests of Nuclear Spin Symmetry and Parity Conservation in Polyatomic Molecules ,
E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, G. Seyfang, and G. Wichmann,
Proc. XXII. Symp. Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP 2020) Sankt Moritz, Switzerland ,
2-7 February 2020, pp. 100-103 ,
K.H. Ernst and C. Tran eds. EMPA Zurich, Dübendorf (2020)
437. Fundamental and approximate symmetries, parity violation and tunneling in chiral and
achiral molecules,
M. Quack, G. Seyfang, G.Wichmann,
Adv. Quant. Chem. 81, 51-104 (2020)
(proceedings ISTCP-X congress, Tromsö, July 2019, K.Ruud and E.J. Brändas eds.
Academic Press , Elsevier, Cambridge, Mass. USA 2020, ISBN 978-012-819757-8),
438. Nuclear Spin Symmetry Conservation Studied by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy of
Ammonia in a Seeded Supersonic Jet from a Pulsed Slit Nozzle,
G. Wichmann, E. Miloglyadov, G. Seyfang, and M. Quack
Mol. Phys. 118, e1752946 (2020),
(25 pages)
439. Jürgen Troe zum 80. Geburtstag,
M. Quack,
Bunsen-Magazin 22, 148 - 149 (2020),
440. a.) Ten lines for the past of the future,
M. Quack,
Bunsen-Magazin 23, 8 (2021)
b.) Laudatio Joachim Sauer zur Bunsendenkmünze 2020,
M. Quack,
Bunsen-Magazin 23, 52 - 53 (2021)
441. a.) Angela Merkel, physicienne, chimiste quanticienne, et chancelière,
M. Quack,
in "Étonnante chimie : Découvertes et promesses du XXIe siècle" , pages 200 - 206,
Claire-Marie Pradier, Olivier Parisel et Francis Teyssandier (eds.) CNRS éditions
(Paris, 2021), ISBN 978-2-271-13652-7
b.) Dialogue between science and politics: The striking Angela Merkel, physicist,
quantum chemist and politician,
M. Quack,
VSH Bulletin (AEU Bulletin) 247, 52 - 55 (2021)
442. High resolution ro-vibrational analysis of molecules in doublet electronic states: the ν1
fundamental of chlorine dioxide (16O35Cl16O) in the X 2B1 electronic ground state,
O. N. Ulenikov, E. S. Bekhtereva, O. V. Gromova, M. Quack, K. B. Berezkin,
C. Sydow, and S. Bauerecker,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.(PCCP) 23, 4580 - 4596 (2021),
with supplementary information (ESI)(102 pages)
443. Obituary Kozo Kuchitsu (1927 - 2021),
K.Yamanouchi, D.C. Clary, and M. Quack,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 779,1389791(1-2) (2021)
444. The beauty of chemical reaction kinetics: a Festschrift in honour of Jürgen Troe, preface to the special issue,
M. Quack, B. Abel, F. Merkt, H. Hippler, P. Vöhringer, A. Wodtke, and S.Willitsch,
Mol. Phys. 119, e1984706 (2021),
445. Time-dependent dynamics of nuclear spin symmetry and parity violation in dichloro-disulfane (ClSSCl)
during and after coherent excitation,
G. Wichmann, G. Seyfang, and M. Quack,
Mol. Phys. 119, e1959073 (2021), (29 pages),
With supplementary material (44 pages)
446. ‘William Hughes Miller: Congratulations on 80th Birthday (Glückwünsche zum 80. Geburtstag)
M. Quack, In: Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina,
Struktur und Mitglieder (Structure and Member) pages 366-370, G. Haug ed., Leopoldina, Halle (Saale) 2021
ISSN 2749-8352 (online), ISSN 2569-7528 (print), im Druck erschienen 2022
447. Editorial to special issue 27th Colloquium on High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (Köln , Cologne 2021) and dedicated to Jean Marie Flaud,
A. Perrin, J. Orphal, T.Huet, P.de Natale, F. Merkt, S. Schlemmer, M. Quack, and S. Willitsch
Mol. Phys. 120, e2101246 (2022),
(DOI:10.1080/00268976.2022.2101246 (17 pages))
448. High resolution FTIR and diode laser spectroscopy of trifluoromethylacetylene and tetrafluoromethane in a supersonic jet expansion
M. Caviezel, V. Horká-Zelenková, G. Seyfang and M. Quack,
Mol. Phys. 120, e2093285 (2022),
(doi.org/10.1080/00268976.2022.2093285(24 pages))
449. High-resolution spectroscopic measurements of cold samples in supersonic beams using a QCL dual-comb spectrometer
Josef A. Agner, Sieghard Albert, Pitt Allmendinger, Urs Hollenstein, Andreas Hugi, Pierre Jouy, Karen Keppler, Markus Mangold,
Frédéric Merkt and Martin Quack,
Mol. Phys. 120, e2094297 (2022),
450. Asymmetries as Quasi-Fossils of the Origin of Life and Matter
M. Quack, Bunsen-Magazin 24, 124-125 (2022)
451. Perspectives on parity violation in chiral molecules: theory, spectroscopic experiment and biomolecular homochirality
Martin Quack, Georg Seyfang and Gunther Wichmann,
Chem. Sci. 13, 10598 (2022),
452. Symmetry and Evolution: Molecules in Motion between less than Yoctoseconds and more than Days (after lecture presented at the Bunsen-Tagung Giessen,
7-9 September 2022 on the occasion of the election as honorary member of the Bunsen-Society for Physical Chemistry),
M. Quack, Bunsen-Magazin 24, 238-246 (2022)
453. The units of rate constants in chemical kinetics
J.G. Frey, T.J. Wallington, R. Hartshorn, M. Quack, P. Heus, and S. Emerson
Accreditation and Quality Assurance 25, 115-119, (2023),
454. Science and Arts, Philosophy and Science: Why after All, Why Not?
M. Quack, Helv. Chim. Acta 106, e202200174 (2023)
455. Parity Violation in Chiral Molecules: From Theory towards Spectroscopic Experiment and the Evolution of Biomolecular Homochirality
M. Quack, G. Seyfang and G. Wichmann, in 'Chiral Matter' - Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium 167, Lidingö (Stockholm) 28 June- 2 July 2021, pp. 209-268;
Editors: E.Babaev, D.Kharzeev, M. Larsson, A.Molochkov, V.Zhaunerchyk, World Scientific Publishing Co. Singapore 2023 (after lecture M. Quack)
Reprint from the book "Chiral Matter", ISBN: 978-981-126-505-1 (hardcover), ISBN: 978-981-126-505-1 (ebook)
456. Laudatory Speech for Assistant Professor Dr. Maximilian Beyer on receiving the Ewald-Wicke-Prize (presented at the Bunsen-Tagung, Berlin 5-7 June 2023,
F. Merkt, M. Quack, Bunsen-Magazin 25, 134 (2023)
457. Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry, 4th Edition, Abridged Version
C.M.A. Brett, J. Frey, R. Hinde, Y.Kuroda, R. Marquardt, F. Pavese, M. Quack, J. Stohner, A. Thor ,
Book with 110 pages, print ISBN: 978-1-83916-150-6 PDF ISBN: 978-1-83916-318-0, IUPAC and Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK 2023
458. Mode-Selective Vibrational-Tunneling Dynamics in the N=2 Triad of the Hydrogen-Bonded (HF)2 cluster,
M. Hippler, L. Oeltjen, M. Quack, Isr. J. Chem. 63, e202300092 (2023)
(doi.org/10.1002/ijch.20200092 (20 pages))
459. High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Monodeutero-Oxirane (c-C2H3DO) and the Analysis of two Fundamentals between 820 and 900 cm-1,
S. Albert, Z. Chen, K. Keppler, M. Quack, J.Stohner, V. Schurig and O. Trapp, Proc. XXIV. Symp. Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP 2024) Andalo, Italy, pp. 91-94,
D. Ascenzi, L.M. Martini, M. Michielan, P. Tosi eds., Trento (2024), ISBN 978-88-5541-064-9
460. Progress in the Zürich Experiment on Parity Violation, Nuclear Spin Symmetry and Tunneling in Chiral and Achiral Molecules,
K. Keppler, E. Miloglyadov, M. Quack, G. Seyfang, G. Wichmann, Proc. XXIV. Symp. Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP 2024) Andalo, Italy, pp. 128-132,
D. Ascenzi, L.M. Martini, M. Michielan, P. Tosi eds., Trento (2024), ISBN 978-88-5541-064-9
461. High resolution FTIR spectroscopy of chiral and achiral molecules combined with diode laser spectroscopy of supersonic jet expansions,
V. Horka-Zelenkova, S. Albert, M. Caviezel, G. Seyfang, A. Sieben, and M. Quack, Proc. XXIV. Symp. Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP 2024) Andalo, Italy, pp. 194-197,
D. Ascenzi, L.M. Martini, M. Michielan, P. Tosi eds., Trento (2024), ISBN 978-88-5541-064-9
462. Grundsätze und Empfehlungen zur Wahrung und Förderung der Wissenschaftsfreiheit in Deutschland,
U. Schimank, M. G. Ash, M. Quack, J. Gläser, H-G. Husung, W. Krull, P. Weingart,
Wissenschaftspolitik im Dialog 25/2024 (28 Seiten) Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin (2024) ISBN 978-3-949455-31-5
463. High-resolution FTIR spectroscopy and analysis of the Ka= 0←1 subbands of the fundamentals ν3 and ν6 of the dimer (HF)2
H. Hollenstein, M. Hippler, G. Seyfang, M. Quack, Mol. Phys. 122, e2341106 (2024)
(doi.org/10.1080/00268976.2024.2341106 (15 pages))