
  1. High sensitivity femtosecond gas phase pump-probe experiments using a hollow waveguide: intramolecular redistribution processes in CH3I. V.Krylov, A.Kushnarenko, E.Miloglyadov, M.Quack and G.Seyfang. //Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6460, p.64601D-1, (2007).
  2. Fast Redistribution of Vibrational Energy in Methyl Iodides. V.Krylov, A.Kushnarenko, E.Miloglyadov, M.Quack, G.Seyfang. //Chimia, V.60, Issue 7/8, p.460, (2006)
  3. Spectral shifts of UV femtosecond pulses in near-boundary areas of nonlinear Kerr medium controlled by IR radiation. Krylov, V. N.; Bespalov, V. G.; Staselko, D. I.; Lobanov, S. A.; Miloglyadov, E. V.; Seyfang, G. Fedd. Gos. Unit. Predpriyat. "Vseross. Nauchn. Tsentr", Gos. Opt. Inst. im. S. I. Vavilova, St. Petersburg, Russia. Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Seriya Fizicheskaya (2005), 69(8), 1127-1128. Publisher: Nauka
  4. Spectral Features of the Interaction of Femtosecond Light Pulses of Different Frequencies near the Boundary of a Kerr Medium. Krylov, V. N.; Bespalov, V. G.; Stasel'ko, D. I.; Lobanov, S. A.; Miloglyadov, E. V.; Seyfang, G. All-Russia Research Center Vavilov State Optical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Optics and Spectroscopy (2005), 99(5), 798-802. Publisher: Pleiades Publishing, Inc.
  5. Transformation of Images upon Dual-Frequency Recording and Reading at Sum Frequencies of Dynamic ? (2) Holograms Using Spherical Reference Waves. Stasel'ko, D. I.; Miloglyadov, E. V.; Denisyuk, Yu. N. All-Russia Research Center, Vavilov State Optical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Optics and Spectroscopy (2005), 98(1), 140-147. Publisher: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing
  6. Dynamic Recording of ? (2) Holograms with Multifrequency Object and Reference Waves. Stasel'ko, D. I.; Miloglyadov, E. V.; Denisyuk, Yu. N.; Sizov, V. N. All-Russia Research Center, Vavilov State Optical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Optics and Spectroscopy (2005), 98(1), 131-139. Publisher: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing
  7. ?(2)-holographic instantaneous image formation using multifrequency object and reference beams. Yuri N. Denisyuk, E. V. Miloglyadov, V. N. Sizov, D. I. Staselko. Optical Information, Data Processing and Storage, and Laser Communication Technologies; Jean-Pierre Goedgebuer, N. N. Rozanov, S. K. Turitsyn, Alexander S. Akhmanov, Vladislav Y. Panchenko; Eds. Proc. SPIE Vol. 5135, p. 100-106, 2003
  8. Effective room-temperature broad-band recording of 3-D dynamic holograms in CdF2:Ga crystals. Miloglyadov, E. V.; Ryskin, A. I.; Stasel'ko, D. I.; Shcheulin, A. S.; Kliment'ev, S. I.; Sventsitskaya, N. A. Vavilov State Optical Institute, Research Institute of Optical Materials Technology, All-Russia Scientific Center, St. Petersburg, Russia. Optics and Spectroscopy (Translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) (2002), 92(1), 120-124. Publisher: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing
  9. Dynamic hologram recording in a CdF2-Ga crystal with metastable centers. Shcheulin, A. S.; Miloglyadov, E. V.; Ryskin, A. I.; Stasel'ko, D. I.; Buchinskaya, I. I.; Fedorov, P. P.; Sobolev, B. P. Vseross.Nauchn.Tsentr " Gos. Opt. Inst. im. Vavilova", St. Petersburg, Russia. Optika i Spektroskopiya (1998), 84(3), 521-527. Publisher: MAIK Nauka
  10. Mechanisms of writing and decay of holographic gratings in semiconducting CdF2:Ga. Ryskin, A. I.; Shcheulin, A. S.; Miloglyadov, E. V.; Linke, R. A.; Redmond, I.; Buchinskaya, I. I.; Fedorov, P. P.; Sobolev, B. P. S. I. Vavilov State Optical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Journal of Applied Physics (1998), 83(4), 2215-2221. Publisher: American Institute of Physics